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Faroole does not speak for the people of Puntland

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The guy can't make calls on his own when it comes to the future of the state, he consults with many of the people that represent the parties involved, or clans if you like.

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This Carafaat dude is confusing himself. Saxib, Faroole is but a scapegoat for you, he has no power but its Puntland state that accords him the power, he did not make up his own policies but its that of Puntland state of Somalia. Federalism is a wider Puntland policty and not Faroole's, he's nothing but an individual at the helm and has to adhere to the state policies during his time in office.


Faroole bilaash ayaad magaciisa ugu wareertay, before him there was Yusuf Yey and Adde Muse, whom did exactly the same - living up to state policy, fedaralism. Anyone who comes after to the lead the state of Puntland will have to stick to the federalism, individuals change but state policies never. Markaa iska daa ninkaan magaciisa aad kuwareertay, ama iska wado howshaada waa sidaad jeceshahayee oo scapegoat-kaaga iska wado.


Warku wuxuu kudhanyahay, Faroole isagu mabilaabin federalism hortiisa ayay jirtay markuu tagana way jiri doontaa.

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why Mario B ? so if am against his avatar, you conclude i should make mine ariel sharon. what a warped mind ya got fella.

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Mario B   

^^ Seriously, why would you be against anyone's avatar? Haven't you got better thing to say than display your bigotry on this forum?

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Mario B   

If calling the avatar of an Arab freedom fighter disgusting isn't bigotry then I don't know what bigotry is. :)

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