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Faroole does not speak for the people of Puntland

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Faroole pretends to be representing all the people of Puntland. But he does not represent the people of Puntland.




-Faroole was not elected by the people of Puntland.


-He clains to represent all te people of Puntland. neither was he chosen by the people. Faroole was selected by a self appointed council of 66 men in Garowe who he even bribed and threated to dismantle their council if they didn't select him.


-Prior to the funeral of aun Abdullahi Yusuf, Faroole hasn't set a foot in Galkacyo. The biggest city in Puntland since 2009.


-the people in Ras Caseyry, Golgodob, Maakhir and Khatumo have distentiated themselves from Faroole and Puntland's political leadership.


-Most people in Bosasso have no love for Faroole and his leadership. But they chose to honour the peace pact singed in 1998 in which Puntland was founded and peace was restored.


-Faroole and his sons silenced the media in Puntland and every critical article from media outlet is answered with retribution from Faroole.


-what is left is Garowe where no man dares to speak unless he has no wich to live. Farool pays his personal ary very well from all the funds he receives for all of Puntland.


-the man represents nobody. GD, Xiinfaniin, Samafal and other Puntlanders here live in Minnesota far away from Puntland. They defend Faroole not because they agree with him, but because its their cousins and anyone would defend his cousins when critisized or attacked by others. Its called 'hiil' and perfectly understandable, anyone would do so when others group together and attack one of your own. Irrelevent of his faults, its called clan loyalty and its quite common among us.


But doesn't mean they agree with his policies, he represent the people of Puntland. Faroole defacto afduub ayuu ku haya dadka Puntland.


The question is how to get rid of this man and prevent any other Somali clan dictator abducting any people of Somalia based on clan rule?

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Mario B   

Let Faroole throw his tantrums and occassion rants, the rest of us should just behave like mature adults and maybe, just maybe that will encourage Puntlanders to demand responsible politics from their leadership in Garawe. :D

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General Duke;831822 wrote:
No you Carafat speak for Puntland...

Sxb, I understand you. I would have jumped and defended any cousin of mine who is attacked in public as well.

Irellevent what my cousin has done. That's called family loyalty. Waa caadi.


When people say negative stuff on Berbera and its leadership my blood boils *** we'll and I start defending the City and Port management.

Cause I know they are my cousins and they must be good. And anyone critizing them in public has alterior motives. And there many haters out there.

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Carafat your hate and delusions are way too much. Puntland State and its President are tough folks and united when it comes to the interest of the Republic of Somalia and Puntland's interest.


Puntland is awake adeer and no one will play with its interest...

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Duke you are a loyal cousin. I would be suprised if you embarresed your cousin in public. That would have been a shame!

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Again you are only deluding yourself, you dont and can never speak for Puntland. Its like a Nazi pretending to speak for the Jewish people.. That aint possible lad...

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Duke, you are from Mudug. If you are "Jew", then Remember the Nazi's live behind wall south of the city.:D I am neutral Switzerland in the overall Mudug conflict, friends with everyone.

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^^^Adeer again all you wish for is division. The people of Galkacyu have troubles, but so do those who live in Hargaysa as we have seen recently. Thus you Carafat a hater of Puntland, can not speak for them. Look all this week all your posts have been about Islan Bashir, Puntland and Faroole.. :D and it was not for love or respect...

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Relax, the people on the ground in Puntland love the man. Honestly, I am not sure why you are so Infatuated with the Farole name~ did you wish your surname was Farole?

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Uchi, sure they love him in Galkacyo, Puntland most populated city. That's why he never went back since he got elected in 2009.

Only for the funeral of Abdullahi Yusuf he got permission to attend. :D

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The guy is a busy man~ the people of Galkacyo know that, but the question we all want to know is, why are you so obsessed with the old man?


Are you starstruck?

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Uchi, the man stands and promotes the wrong kind of politics. He wants to make Somalia clan based federal States. That will mean the end of Somalia and the end of the little hope.


And I emphasizing here that he doesn't speak nor nobody. People from Ras Caseyr, to Galkacyo have denounced and are supporting the national constitution. And not his afduub politics. Islaan Bashiir is now In Muqdisho leading the Puntland traditional elders.

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