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Why do I wear Hijab, while u don't?

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Rayaan so sweet ur litttle pic. lol


when i wz little, i went to madrass frm school everyday, and i use to wear a hija, when i come out i use to take it off and give it my edo!! i use to wear western clothin to say the least, to school, until one day wearing the worst possible thing u can wear (my school uniform; mini skirt and shirt) i bumped into my madraa teacher who is also my only mahram in LOndon!! and he neraly had a heart attack when he saw me!! by then i wz about 14 or something!! but the thing is i do believe that parents should tell tehir gurls to wear a hijab, just not force them!!


the best thing to do is give them knowledge, my edo paid for islamic teacher to come to us frm the age of 5, and she drilled it into our heads, but she never forced us to do anything, she wz like u no it is wrong, u know the punishment, so i can't watch u 24/7, but allah is and it is him u need to fear not me!! where as all the other somali gurls i knew use to get forced to wear long dresses and hijabs and the whole lot and i use to see them getting changed at street corners!! in fact the ladies that use to gossip about me and how lost i wz compared to their daughters, when their daughters reached 18-20 they started doing all the things i did when i wz 13-16, while i started to fix up and look sharp! now dey always say make dua from my daughter to reform like u did.


so don't force educate, if you force they are either gonna act like a child when dey are 20 and u no longer have fully control or they are gonna hide frm u and do it.


but u need limits, and even i had my limits; heck; i still do; lol; even if i get married and have kids my edo will still treat me like she treats me now!! she has the last say on certain things and i won't disagree, not because i'm afraid but because i can see her point of view and i don't wanna disrespect her!



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