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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somalia is turning into an organization of Member states Clan federalism or Faroolenism

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This is what the President of Puntland few days ago said about how Somalia's Political governing structure should look like.Its a bit shocking a leader of a semi autonomous region wants to transform his country into an organization.


Fiiro Gaar ah Meelkasta oo ay ku qoran tahay “Dowlada Goboleedyadda” waa in loo badala Dowladaha Xubnaha ka ah Dowladda Federaalka Somalia

its seems he is inventing his own way of what he calls federalism its taking a whole different route now, the country Somalia one of Africa's most homogeneous countries is turning into an organization of member states.

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Dowladaha xubnaha ka ah African unionka

Dowladaha xubnaha ka ah Jamacada Carabta

Dowladaha xubnaha ka ah Midowga Yurub

Dowladaha xubnaha ka ah NATO.

Dowladaha Xubnaha ka ah IGAD

Dowladaha Xubnaha ka ah Ururka Islaamka

Dowladaha xubnaha ka ah Somalia:D

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Xaaji whats your beef with farole? you have not said one thing that is good about him which just proves your not a reliable voice of reason. You merely protest against anythin farole stands for, you do not protest against the policy but the man. If he today said I call for central based somalia you'd still be protesting about it. Get your priorities straight!!!

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No Dr osman i don't like Somalia turning into a project or a crazy organization of member states. i welcomed when Faroole rejected the Constitution maybe for the wrong reasons but the more people who are against the constitution the better we need a decentralized state for Somalia.

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lol xaji, a de-centralized state? based on what? how will power be devolved? by clan, we tried that it's failed. By States well that's what we are calling for and the more reasonable approach. Or do you suggest we devolve power within mogadishu? Hadee sucashu waxay noqonaysa aan ku noqono wixi dalka halkas dhigay!!! Midnimada iyo sidi somalia ay ahan jirtay ma soo noqoneyso, the sooner u get that the better. Waa in la kala deganaada!!! Wax kale dawlad kuma soo noqoneyso.


If we put everything in hamar, everyone will fight over hamar once again!!! Clans will play the clan card saying mogadishu is where everything is going and it's back to square one division followed by destruction. It is safer option to let everyone rule they're own area and themselves and share power based on states in the government!!!

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Power will be de/centralized by the central authority to the regions. no need to coordinate, organize and facilitate basic services all the way from Xamar. On the other hand, we dont need dozens of `State Presidents` embarrasing Somali´s in the world. One President, One PM and One FM. no need for more then that.

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Dittore wuu booteeniyaa. nobody is reinstating a dictator in Somalia. loool


But dittore´s and faroole´s idea of Somalia being ruled by a Member organisation-Council of Clans is even more destructive.


But I dont mind a ceremonial Council of Clan Elders who´s mandate is on Clan, Traditional and Historic issue´s. Osman could become the permanent head of this Council. Comparable with the uk House of Royals.


Xaaji Xunjuf, adeer you could represent us in that Council and maybe become Vice/Chair next to Osmano.




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Dr osman lose federal states in the long term will destroy Somalia with in u need a long term solution grassroot level admin is good Puntland galmudug but that's where it ends if you want Somalia back on its feet u need to think about the whole package.A decentralized system with multiple regions to distribute the power through out all the regions of Somalia no one has to go to Mogadishu for everything.Thats why its decentralized but at the same time u have a strong government in the capital. You will have more authority in you're local governments things will not be as how they were during siad bare's days. Dr osman still the 4 major clans will share power using the 4.5 clan System u wont lose out anything u will just have a strong government with strong institutions,if you need a passport you can get it garowe. If you if you want to go to university there are plenty universities in Bosaaso.The House of Parliament can be in Garowe while the seat of government will be in Xamar.

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Xaaji, read what I wrote. The Somali Council of Elders or the House of Somali could have the seat in Garowe. With members being all the Sultans, Boqors, Garaads, Ugaas, Beeldaje, Islaan, etc.


Xaaji, I probose you to represent us.

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I sill don't understand why XX is in this 'Somali' forum~


Why are you here XX?

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