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Che -Guevara

Proposed Amendments to the Constitution by Puntland

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Mario B   

This is the nonsense our friend "Somalia" espouse. Puntland wants to use the federal constitution so it can solidify it's land, political and resource grab. The Puntland constitution was one of the most disgraceful things to come out from from Somalia in the recent times. What Puntland wants is to use the cloak of federalism so it can behave like a sovereign state and when it is taken to task it can say well that is Federalism my friend. USA federal constitution gives states three most important powers, Taxation, Judicial and Policing...Puntland wants to define who it's citizens are?:confused:

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Mario B;832109 wrote:
This is the nonsense our friend "Somalia" espouse. Puntland wants to use the federal constitution so it can solidify it's land, political and resource grab. The Puntland constitution was one of the most disgraceful things to come out from from Somalia in the recent times.

^ Take it or leave it my friend~


Stop crying like a spoilt child.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;829980 wrote:
Afmaayga 'guryaha' ayaa loogu hadlaa miyaa? Only Afmaxaatiriga ayaa 'xafiisyada' iyo 'goobaha shaqayooyinka' loogu hadlaa miyaa according to whoever proposed this?


This proposal is the easiest amendment of waxa kor ku qoran above, though. Ma meesha muxuu mooday guri uu asaga dhistay maamulo. Meesha waa dal, kii midnimo rabana waa si midnimo in uu ku joogaa. Goosashadoon inside, bluffing unitary outside ma soconeyso. Soomaali dhan wada aragtay taas.

Well said.

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