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Recognize Somaliland, Abtigiis urges the international community

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Xinnfanin, arinka ha sahashan, there is a method behind the madness when it comes to this recognition.


Blessed, isdaji, meesha dhamaanteen cyber personalities baynu nahay, and we need not take things very seriously. Hadaan kaftan qaloocan kuula imidna waan loo noqonayn ee 100 jeer raali ahoow. Hedde Blessed gabadh yaroon iska celin karana ma aha, ee waa marwo. Markaa waa inaan cafis iyo saamax uun ka dalbanaa.

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Che -Guevara;829084 wrote:
I have concluded AT is functioning schizophrenic.

I too think that something somewhere is not right. :D

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Anigu somaliland inay tahay hoyigii jacaylka iyo meel nabad qabta oo shahaado sharaf ha la siiyo mooyee meel aan ku idhi somalia iyo somaaliland ha la kala gooyo miyey jirtaa?! Semantics is everything but not for the gullible.:D


Come on you are better than this!! Nin weyn oo xinnfanin isku aynu yihiin baan ku moodayey.

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Abtigiis;829114 wrote:
"Recognize Somaliland", Abtigiis urges the international community

24hrs later



Abtigiis;829114 wrote:
.. meel aan ku idhi somalia iyo somaaliland ha la kala gooyo miyey jirtaa?


Which one are you sober?

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Abtigiis;829114 wrote:
Anigu somaliland inay tahay hoyigii jacaylka iyo meel nabad qabta oo shahaado sharaf ha la siiyo mooyee meel aan ku idhi somalia iyo somaaliland ha la kala gooyo miyey jirtaa?! Semantics is everything but not for the gullible.


Come on you are better than this!! Nin weyn oo xinnfanin isku aynu yihiin baan ku moodayey.

Waryaa Abtigiis, my first post dadku ma aqrin ee sharraxaadda badan jooji, waxani waa kaftan iyo maad.


Haddaan gabayga uurkoo bukiyo arami ka keenin

Asaan ila Jacayl ahi tixa kugu ijbaaraynin

Afkuun baad ka lee tixuhu arar ma yeeshaane



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AT, Ma waxuu lamid noqday J. Peter Pham Iyo Matt Bryden. Mise gabad buu sasabanayaa....


Lakiin runtii, hadii Reer Woqooyi Galbeed diideen Inay Somaalia ka mid noqdaan maaha in la khasbo, Sidoo Kale hadii Reer Khaatumo diideen Inay ka mid noqdaan snm/Somaliland maa in la khasbo. Cid la khasbayo, oo sandule lagu qabsanayo majirtu.


Allah Subhanahu watacalaa ayaa noo sheegay "Laa Ikraaha fi diin", Diinta Islaamka ayaa cidna lagu khasbeen. wax kale iskadaa.

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'Liibaan';829127 wrote:
AT, Ma waxuu lamid noqday J. Peter Pham Iyo Matt Bryden. Mise gabadho sasabanayaa....


Lakiin runtii, hadii Reer Woqooyi Galbeed diideen Inay Somaalia ka mid noqdaan maaha in la khasbo, Sidoo Kale hadii Reer Khaatumo diideen Inay ka mid noqdaan snm/Somaliland maa in la khasbo. Cid la khasbayo, oo sandule lagu qabsanayo majirtu.


Allah Subhanahu watacalaa ayaa noo sheegay "Laa Ikraaha fi diin", Diinta Islaamka ayaa cidna lagu khasbeen. wax kale iskadaa.

Liibaan waad so dabacday we are getting some where now.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;829128 wrote:
Liibaan waad so dabacday we are getting some where now.

Xunjuf, goorma ayaa joojini adigu dagaalkaagii aad kaga soo horjeeday KHaatumo State?


Anuu markasta waan kasoo horjeeday xaqdarada, dagaalka, Iyo khasab in lagu maquuniyo shacab Soomaaliyeed sida Reer KHaatumo, Reer Awdal, Reer Maakhir, Ama Reer snm/Somaliland.


Danta shacabka Soomaaliyeed waxey ku jirtaa Qaranka Soomaaliya Iyo Midnimada SomaliWeyn. Lakiin hadii ee jiraan reer ama gobol diidan midnimada sida reer snm/Somaliland maaha in la khasbo waa sida ee ani iila muuqato.

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Kaftan iyo maad ma aha, clearly. I thought so, but look at Che. Laughable. Anyway, i think we are reaching to a stage where it is becoming difficult to distinguish between garowe online, hadhwanaag news and somaliaonline. It is very clear it is decision time for some of us. People enjoying the immunity and protection of culture are abusing us.

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Doodda ku saabsan garoweonline, hadhwanaag news, iyo somaliaonline hannoo danbaysee, horta ictiraafka caashaqu keenay maad ka sheekeysid ninyahow.


Anigu markaan arka post gaaga qosol baan la dhacay, waxaan ogaa waxaad ula jeedo ,beenna maaha :D, nin sidaa u lalmada maahid, raggii hore ee meeshay ku qubaystaan ku qallali jirey baad ka joogtaa, lagamana yaabo in sidii go'shaal ah mabaadiidaa u bedeshid .

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