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Are Somalilanders and Puntlanders backwards?

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Somalilanders want to return to the colonial borders before 1960. Puntlanders want to return to the tribal Osmania fiefdom of the 19th century. Doesnt this make them backwards?


In Somali you would call someone who is backwards dib u socod, lets call them reer dib u socod from now on. :D

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Actually Puntland wants to go forward and people like you have tried to stop it. But come Tuesday, we can't be stopped.

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Che -Guevara;828769 wrote:
There's argument to be made for that but your approach is wrong.

Che, do you think being the King's jester is a better approach. :D



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Ya caraafat you dont have to make a thread everytime somethings cross your mind even tho you are right on this one. :D

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I think the right word is Back stepping or pro colonial groups. For years they were working Malazawi and been proud of it. Malazawi just made clear his relationship with them. Just because he do not need them right now, somebody else is doing a better job for him.


For Somaliland case, they go as far giving their doughther a way

Here is Faroole sending letter to International community when he did not complain publicly in somalia

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So why would he be working for Meles Zenawi when you admit that he does not need him as he has better partners i.e the UN? You are getting carried away, do not blame others for your lack of political ambitions. So much jealousy, no one works for Ethiopia, Ethiopia has no one's interests at heart, people work for their own interests.

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Somalia;828895 wrote:

So why would he be working for Meles Zenawi when you admit that he does not need him as he has better partners i.e the UN? You are getting carried away, do not blame others for your lack of political ambitions. So much jealousy, no one works for Ethiopia, Ethiopia has no one's interests at heart, people work for their own interests.

I did not expect you to get it. Yes people work for their own interests, but good people have faith, moral and citizenship duty. Your interest must go in hand with your value and as individual, as citizen, as religious and finally as human.


For malazawe, he knows his people in Somalia and has representative both Garoowe and Hargeysa.

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Duufaan;828900 wrote:
I did not expect you to get it. Yes people work for their own interests, but good people have faith, moral and citizenship duty. Your interest must go in hand with your value and as individual, as citizen, as religious and finally as human.


For malazawe, he knows his people in Somalia and has representative both Garoowe and Hargeysa.

Go back and read what you wrote.


You don't even make sense. You talk as if he depends on Ethiopia yet you say he has somebody else doing a better job for him. Do you contradict yourself on purpose or is it hindering you?

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its time for change. Now wonder jibouti didnt wanna join then. They saw the writing on the wall!! I think the next pres of somalis should be from the other somali western somali or even jibouti. good deal.

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