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General Duke

Even Shabelle Radio can not hide the truth: Largest delegation of elders assemble in Mogadishu

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Muqdisho: (Sh. M. Network) Ergadii ugu badneyd ee ka qeyb galayaasha shirka lagu ansaxinayo qabyo qoraalka Dastuurka ayaa manta soo gaaray Magaalada Muqdisho.


Iyadoo Magaalada Muqdisho uu ka furmay shirka lagu ansixinayo Qabyo qoraalka Dastuurka islamarkaana ay ka qeyb galayaan 135-Xubnood oo soo xulaya guddiga Ansixinaya Dastuurkaasi ayaa waxaa Magaalada Muqdisho si isdaba joog ah usoo gaaraya Ergooyinka ka qeyb galayay shirkaasi oo matalayay Beelaha Soomaaliyeed.


Garoonka diyaaradaha ee Magaalada Muqdisho waxaa kasoo degay Ergooyin kala duwan oo ka kala socda beelo kala duwan kuwaasi oo doonaya inay ka qeyb galaan shirka lagu ansixinayo qabyo qoraalka Dastuurka ee ka furmay Muqdisho.


Ergooyinka maanta soo dagay ayaa ka mid ahaa Ugaasyo iyo Salaadiin ka socday Beesha ****** iyo kuwa kale oo kasoo jeeda Beesha ******* kuwaasi oo si wadajir ah ugu qeyb qaadanaya shirka lagu ansixinayo Dastuurka sida u Idaacadda Shabelle u faah faahiyay Ugaas Xuseen Ugaas Axmed Qorane oo ka mid ah Beesha ******.


Maalmihii dambe ayaa Magaalada Muqdisho waxa ka soconayay islamarkaana laga dareemayay dhaq dhaqaaq xooggan oo ku aaddan ka qeyb galka shirka lagu ansixinayo qabyo qoraalka Dastuurka.

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Shirweynaha odayaasha dhaqanka ee magaalada Muqdisho ka socda ayaa maalintii 3-aad galay.


shirka oo bilowday 5-tii bishan waxaa ka qayb gelaya in ka badan 130 Isim oo ka kala yimid guud ahaan deegaanada Soomaalida.


Ujeedada shirku waxay tahay sidii loogu gogol xaari lahaa shirweynaha ansixinta Dastuurka kaas oo ergada ka qayb gelaya ay odayaasha beeluhu soo xulayaan.


Qaar kamid ah Isimada shirkaas lagu casumay oo codsaday inaan magacooda la shaacin ayaa sheegay in habsami u socodka shirka ay wax badani iska bedeleen.


Isimada ayaa sheegay in xiliyada qaar ay ilaalada goobtu si aan habooneyn ula dhaqmaan odayaasha, dhowr marna uu maran xoogani ka dhex qaraxay.


Si kastaba ha ahaatee shirka oo saaka dib uga dhacay wakhtigii uu bilaaban lahaa waxaa dib u dhaca ku yimid sababay Isimo dhowr ah oo ka maqan hoolka islamarkaana aan la ogeyn sababta ay dib ugu dheceen.

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This is a unique opportunity for Somalia to regain her seat amongst nations of the world , and be proud country again.


It is a historic moment, the policy of containment and NGOs dominated politics is about to end, no more Nairobi hotels and politicians without a base vying for Somalia's control

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We shall insha Allah all meet in the mother land, in our beloved capital Mogadishu. This is the moment that a generation has been waiting for. To hold such a meeting inside Somalia, inside the capital is in itself a remarkable testament to the new reality. The republic shall rise, those who are complaining now, will soon be preparing their resumes for the new jobs and opportunities that awaits..

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Insha Allaah General Duke; with the Turkish Airlines flying twice a week to Mogadishu it is easy to go and visit the mother land these days

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I let you have what the most famous Premier of Somalia would have said in this thread.

A quotation from Prime Minister Abdirazak Hajji Hussein’s Message to the nation in 1966 is pertinent to this occasion; “A new nation has to pass through a rebirth, through a vast moral revolution. By sufferings and sacrifices, efforts and exertions we will wipe away the initial pangs and pains. We have to liberate ourselves from the dead hand of the past, from petty jealousies and differences. We should not get into the habit of brooding, criticising and repeating old grievances and narrating old tales….” The National Review

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