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Waxaan ka jeclahay midnimada Somaliyeed ma jirto, Hadraawi

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When the great poet Hadraawi visited Muqdisho last year he declared "waxaan ka jeclahay midnimada Somaliyeed ma jirto".


Actually, I know something I would even more love then Somalia's Unity. And that is Unity with Ethiopia, Eritrea, South-Sudan, Djibouti. Yes, I would love unity of the Cushitic people of eastern Africa more then the unity of Somali's.


Midnimada Somaliyeed waxaan kasii jeclaan lahaa midnimo Xabashi-Somali-Oromo-Afar- iyo kuuwa dhadheer ee south sudan ee madoow.

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Carafaat;828156 wrote:
Actually, I know something I would even more love then Somalia's Unity. And that is Unity with Ethiopia, Eritrea, South-Sudan, Djibouti. Yes, I would love unity of the Cushitic people of eastern Africa more then the unity of Somali's.


Midnimada Somaliyeed waxaan kasii jeclaan lahaa midnimo Xabashi-Somali-Oromo-Afar- iyo kuuwa dhadheer ee south sudan ee madoow.

Xaasha lillaah wuu ka daray.

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Carafaat the Ethiopians we have been fighting them since the 16 century do you even know the foreign policy of Ethiopia towards Somalida.

Hadaynu ka nabad galno baynu buro sidna taasina dhici mayso. Hadraawi laakin dee mu odhan xabashi aynu la midowno waxbaad isku qasaysa adeer:D

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Carafaat, adeerka Nuune kula taliyay hadii aad taladiisa yeelaysid "siyaasada isaga bax, siyaasada isaga bax" hadii kale qoortu ku qaban doona madaama uu yahay maamaluyaasha SOL.

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Carafaat is SOL's own brand of little Qadafi, he sleeps at night and then will wake up in the morning with a blurry vision of contradicts and rants.

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asxaab, marke dadka qaar bahasha hoos u qadaan ee rabaan sub-sub-clan states. anaguna kor ayaanu u qadinaa. Ileyn Somali kuma midowiso federation of sub-clan, laga yaaba ine Somali afrikaanta kale dhexdooda ku midoowaan. From now on its all about Pan-Africanism and Pan-Cushictism for me from now on.




Haatu, mapkii geeska afrika oo midowsan, so celi. fikirkeenu ma kala foga( except for -Amhara, Tigrey)



Xaaji Xunjuf runta aanu isku sheegno. Ethiopian oo ka kooban Afar, Oromo, Amharo, Tigrey, etc waa umadaha aduunka kuwa noogu dhoow. Ilaahay daris iyo wallaalo wax badan iskaga dhoow ayuu naga dhigay. markaa jooji daris neceebka.



Mayaani, mar hore ayaanu Nuune kala baxnay. Turki ayuu raacay sagu, Ottomanians ayuu ka jeclaaday wallaaleheen Oromomianska.



Che iyo Xiin idinku midnimo waxa raadisiin meelo hoose. Al Shabaab, 4.5 iyo clan based governance midnimo iyo dawladnimo ma keeniso.



MMA adiga isku xisbi ayaanu nahay. oo kor u qaadis waa ogolatay hadaa ogalatay ina la midowno Afarland, Oromo-land, Djibouti, Eritrea iyo South Sudan.



Moonlight , Qadafi riyadiise me xumeen, laakinse wexe ku dhisneed talo kaligiisa iyo buugisa kaliya.

teydu wax waa lagu soo dari karaa. hadii wax kor loo qaadiyo kaliya. :D

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^^ Carafaad, Oromo waligeenba walaala ayaan aheyn, waxaana oogu wacnaa Soomaali Abboow as MMA said earlier, marka everyone who replied to you in this thread advised you to refrain from saying again "aan la midowno itoobiya", waa hadal culus, miisaankiisana garan meysid, hadaad ogtaheyna ma aadan soo qorteen wax noocaas oo kale ah, even Xaaji Xeyraan advised you against saying that ever again.


Waa wax laga xumaado, ma aqaano aqoon darro miyeykaa tahey, mise iska yeel-yeel, bal adba garo!!



Turki waa walaalaheen, dhulna nagama heestaan, cawimaad ayey nala hortaaganyihiin oo lixaad leh, hadalkan aad u dhuux ama oraahdan, kuu sharrixi maayo waxa laga wado ama ay u taagantahey.


"itoobiya daris kulama ahan, ee waxaa daris kula ah dhul ay itoobiya kaa heesato"

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Cambuulo the Amhaaras are Cushitic who speak Semitic language and the Amhaaras in the lowland also speak afaanoromo.


Carafaat niyo wax naga da waalida bay ka mid tahay Ethiopia iyadi ba kala socota adna halkeed u wada.?

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I'm going to applaud Carafaat this time around for being the visionary Somalia never had. If such a unity can be achieved and our petty regional childishness ironed out, the horn could be a major economic powerhouse. But there are major issues that would require to be addressed, such as 'Somalis should be on top and the rest under us'. If we can be the economic masters over Ethiopia, Eriteria and Djibouti then heck I'd like that very much. A Somali empire calling the shots!


Brilliant,eh? Haha

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