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LSK you've committed a wrong against me.

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Indeed you've committed a wrong against me and I want justice, aawey odayaashii?


I know we don't see eye to eye when it comes to politics, but that's no excuse for what you've done.


Before you upgraded the site, my avatar pic was a beautiful and splendid one: it was Soomaaliweyn! Not only did you change it to some rock carafaat seems to be claiming, you've made it impossible for me to change it. I pride myself in being computer literate to a reasonable degree, but I've searched and searched to no avail for the magic 'change pic' button. This has meant that the notion of Soomaaliweyn which I used to champion is no longer represented and I hold you personally responsible.


This is a major wrong and I want justice.

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Once in a while the picture gallery gets updated and some pictures get removed so they can add new ones and your picture was one of the pictures that got removed. The same thing happened to me once when I was a newbie you just have to pick another picture.

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MMA reer soomaaliweyn ma aniga un baa kasoo harey? :D ↲Blue, but how do i change it to my own pic?

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^ Then help me get my old pic back. Also, you know i'm sujui and don't understand your earlier quote :D

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Haatu;828191 wrote:
reer soomaaliweyn ma aniga un baa kasoo harey?
↲Blue, but how do i change it to my own pic?

1. Scroll this page up and click on Settings.


2. Go to the left side of the page scroll down and go to My Settings.


3. When you see My Profile click on Edit Avatar.


4. If you have followed all of the steps right you should now see all of the avatars come up, you choose one and save it.


Voila it's that easy :D

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