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Somaliland to snub Turkey conference on Somalia

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The self-declared state of Somaliland has ruled out attending a meeting in Turkey called to review progress over Somalia following the London conference in February.


The breakaway country’s foreign affairs minister Mohamed Abdullahi Omar said that the planned Istanbul conference in June did not concern it, despite Somaliland President Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud Silanyo having attended the London meeting.


Dr Omar said that the main agenda in Turkey would concentrate on the Roadmap, a document crafted to guide Somalia from transitional status to full government by August.


“That Roadmap does not concern us,” said the minister Sunday in Hargeisa, some 1,500 kilometres northwest of Mogadishu.


He said that Somaliland had received an invitation from Istanbul over the weekend, but it was not happy with the vast majority of the agenda concentrating on Somalia’s stabilisation.


Somaliland unilaterally declared its independence on May 18 1991, following the collapse of Somalia’s central government in January that same year.


Since then, its promoters insist that the country was legitimately carved out of the colonial borders of the former British Somaliland Protectorate, which united with the Italy-colonised Somalia on July 1, 1960.


Nevertheless, Somaliland has not been recognised by any other country in the world despite intense lobbying.


In the final London communiqué, the meeting participants that included 44 representatives from countries and international organisations suggested dialogue between Somaliland and the TFG or its replacement to clarify their future relations.


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No one will see it as a snub, just your love for a colonial power. Out of all Somalis across the peninsula, the only ones that have embraced their former colonial power and longed for it is by far Somaliland.


I think we can both agree on that.

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^^ Early days, saaxib. London was a precedent and the same "concessions" are likely to be made again for SL. Turkey, certainly, does not want to be looked upon as a lesser "power" to that of the UK. They'll pull all the stops to get SL to particapate. Simple diplomatic horse trading really.

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Somalia;828068 wrote:
No one will see it as a snub
, just your love for a colonial power. Out of all Somalis across the peninsula, the only ones that have embraced their former colonial power and longed for it is by far Somaliland.


I think we can both agree on that.


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Somaliland as NGONGE suggests is trying to play the game and show its relevancy but it is I am afraid too late for the world is united in addressing the Somali tragedy.


It is more likely than not that they will attend the Istanbul Conference. It is more likely than not that they will sit with TFG along with the two Puntland committee members. In 2012, it is delusional and a bit romantic to talk about separation and secession when the dynamics have significantly changed.

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NGONGE;828077 wrote:
^^ Early days, saaxib. London was a precedent and the same "concessions" are likely to be made again for SL. Turkey, certainly, does not want to be looked upon as a lesser "power" to that of the UK. They'll pull all the stops to get SL to particapate. Simple diplomatic horse trading really.

Wow..a big shocker. NG decides to go against the grain YET again.

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fake unionists always begging some otha countries to make unity possible.Americans,ethiopians,kenyans,un and now turkey.What's more funny is their threats of we do that & this...nonesenical talk has become their best ally.

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- Somaliland Media "Xukuumadda oo Dhirbaaxooyin Siyaasadeed kala kulantay Shirkii Somaliweyn ee looga taag la’aa "



- Hoos Bay Usi Socotaye Siillaanyo 90 Jir Xageebu Somaliland Ku Wadaa?


Khal Khal wayn ayaa ka muuqda siyaasadii arimaha dibada oo meel xun ayay maraysaa shirkii london ka dib iyo deg degii ay xukuumadu iskaga deg degtay magacaabista Gudada wada hadalka Somaliland iyo Somaliya wasiirka arimaha dibada oo aan khibrad siyaasadeed lahayn oo ah inan yar oo siyaasada shalay kuso biiray sababahaa awgood Qadiyadii iyo Madaxbanaanidii Somaliland si aad ah ayay hoos ugu dhacday hadii aan talo qaran laga yeelana meel fog aya laga deyi doona.




- Bulshada Oo Ku Jaho-wareertay Siyaasaddii Dibadda Ee Madaxweyne Siilaanyo Oo Gelinba Cayn




- Madax dhaqameedka Somaliland oo la sheegay in qaarkood xijaab ku baxeen markay Muqdisho tegayeen



- Faysal Waraabe" Hadii Somaliland Diido Ka Qeyb Galka Shirka Istanbul, Bulshada Caalamka Somaliland kula yaabi doonto"


- Faysal Cali Waraabe Oo Si Ba’an U WeeraraySalaadiinta Dalka, Tilmaamayna In Qadiyada S/land Ay ka Wayntahay $100,000 In Loo Fadhiisto Shirka Xamar


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AfricaOwn;828285 wrote:
Wow..a big shocker. NG decides to go against the grain YET again.

Seriously, you hormonal kid; was there ANYTHING in what I wrote that was worthy of triggring such a response? :D

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^^ What are you talking about? I pm you about your lousy uncle trying to start something with Jonathan Starr and you got emotional over it? stop the nonsense...Tell your people that they don't own Abaarso, Send the memo now.

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