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Preparing Somalia's Future: Goals for 2015!

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This is the theme for the Istanbul Conference that will take place in Turkey at the end of this month (not that long to go really). But what are these goals and are they achievable?


In addition, the title there says 2015! What exactly is the significance of that year? Is the post transition government going to be one that runs for three years? Doesn’t the new constitution last for seven years?


Any ideas, people?

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Turkey foreign ministry press release.


No:50, 21 February 2012,


Press Release Regarding the International Conference on Somalia to be held in London


H.E. Mr. Ahmet Davutoğlu, Minister of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Turkey, will participate in the International Conference on Somalia which will be chaired by the British Prime Minister and held on 23 February 2012 in London. Representatives of nearly 50 countries and international organizations have been invited to the conference.


Within the framework of the preparations for the conference, a core group consisting of 15 countries, including Turkey, and international organizations has been established. The Core Group comprises Qatar, Ethiopia, Uganda, Kenya, USA, France, Sweden, Italy, Norway, UAE , UK and international organizations such as the UN, the African Union (AU) and the EU.


Within the framework of the preparations for the conference, Turkey has actively participated in and contributed to the works of the Core Group.


The agenda of the Conference includes the topics of political process, security, humanitarian assistance, and stability and recovery in Somalia.


Before the conclusion of the transition period in Somalia in August 2012, the international community will come together at the London Conference to exchange views on the measures to be taken and policies to be conducted in order to reestablish peace and stability in the country.


Turkey has always supported the addressing of the issue of Somalia in international and regional platforms with a view to finding a lasting solution to the problems prevailing in Somalia.


Turkey will organize the Second International Conference on Somalia in June 2012 in Istanbul, in cooperation with the UN.


The outcome of the London Conference will be reviewed at the Istanbul Conference, and the course to be followed by the international community in the post-Transition Period in Somalia will be shaped.

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^^ Yes. Yes. We realise there are noble goals sought by Turkey and the International Community with regards to Somalia. But what exactly is hoped to be achieved by 2015? Is it progress in governance and peace or more far reaching goals? Are there no leaks about this conference and its agenda yet?

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I guess we will have to wait the official agenda for the conference. I don't know what teh significance of the 2015 year is either.


But the transition is planned to end on August 2012. The new constitution will be up for ratification in 2016. The Istanbul conference will be primarily about recovery and reconstruction of Somalia, it will also review the London Conference goals. One thing is clear though, Somalia is on the road of recovery and things are looking bright.

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^^ Adiga horta you must visit the place to wake you up from this crazy dream you're living. I promise that it will be very healthy for you. War even H town that is supposed to be peaceful and progressive is going to shock you to your core.

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You've got to be kidding me right? You think I don't know about the regression in Somali urbanization of the last twenty years when there was next to no government/foreign investment in infrastructure or renewal projects? Fact remains that Mogadishu before the war was the cleanest city in Africa, and one of the most beautiful, and it will reclaim all these titles in the next five years, and that has nothing to do with dreaming, it's logic.


I will be part of the rennaissance.

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Chimera;828080 wrote:
You've got to be kidding me right? You think I don't know about the regression in Somali urbanization of the last twenty years when there was next to no government/foreign investment in infrastructure or renewal projects? Fact remains that Mogadishu before the war was the cleanest city in Africa, and one of the most beautiful, and it will reclaim all these titles in the next five years, and that has nothing to do with dreaming, it's logic.


I will be part of the rennaissance.

Seeing is believing, adeer. I don't want you to imagine or, like a clannist boasting about his great grandad, hark to the past, I want you to see it with your own eyes first. After that, and going by the principle that dreams are free, you can apply your own brand of "logic" whichever way you like. ;)

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NGONGE;828085 wrote:
Seeing is believing, adeer. I don't want you to imagine or, like a clannist boasting about his great grandad, hark to the past, I want you to see it with your own eyes first. After that, and going by the principle that dreams are free, you can apply your own brand of "logic" whichever way you like.

That's illogical NGONGE, and tantamount to an American in 1945 telling a random exiled Polish boy in Berlin that he should stop imagining about the beauty of Warsaw because its currently in ruins, and after that tell him that he should go and see it for himself, so he will stop believing in a better future based on the glorious past of previous generations, because only the present in which he lives is relevant, and the world will remain static in that specific space of time, right?



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Mogadishu is being rebuilt as we speak. Yesterday the Turks pledged a $100 million project to rebuilt it. The day before a joint project between US and UK pledged $9.5 million to improve the infrustructure of the city.


All ngonge needs to do is read the news . It is hard to find a negative story in the current sea of positives

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NGONGE;828078 wrote:
^^ Adiga horta you must visit the place to wake you up from this crazy dream you're living. I promise that it will be very healthy for you. War even H town that is supposed to be peaceful and progressive is going to
shock you to your core

Shock? yeah it will be a shock. But you will also see opportunity. But the place desperately needs its educated people back... the biggest problem is ignorance and aqoon la'aan.

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