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Somaliland oo vissahooda la aqbalsanyahay iyo Soomaaliya oo aan ka muuqanin wadamada vissahooda

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Mario B   

Xaaji Xunjuf;827536 wrote:
^ its not a Photoshop it was in south Sudan in 2011 at their independence day.


The Dinkas are our Friends

Too bad there is no other independent nation coming in the horizon, you might have to wait for alooooong time before you pull that stunt again!

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^^ Africa is about to be reshaped son African borders are not holy any more with south Sudan secession from Sudan, South Sudan is an ally of Somaliland John Garang SPLA rebel leader, and president Siilanyo were buddies in the 80s.


Mario we are already there Somaliland is already there.

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Mario B   

Xaaji Xunjuf;827540 wrote:
^^ Africa is about to be reshaped son African borders are not holy any more with south Sudan secession from Sudan, South Sudan is an ally of Somaliland John Garang SPLA rebel leader, and president Siilanyo were buddies in the 80s.


Mario we are already there Somaliland is already there.

Somaliland is no where except in your deluded mind.:D


The S Sudan and Eritrea independence has shown that self governance is not the answer to Africa problems, both countries have taken what was a "local" conflict and given it an international dimension. The west have wisen up to this....too bad your enclave hasn't woken to this fact.

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Mario B;827547 wrote:
Somaliland is no where except in your deluded mind.


The S Sudan and Eritrea independence has shown that self governance is not the answer to Africa problems, both countries have taken what was a local conflict and given it a international dimention. The west have wisen up to this....too bad your enclave hasn't woken to this fact.

The only difference is the EPLF dealt with the TPLF matter infact they marched together all the way to addis Ababa


South sudan dealt with Bashir but bashir was forced by the international community to sign a peace deal with the SPLM, sad for him now he is fighting for oil fields near the border i am loving it:D.He was the man who blocked President rayaale to address the African union Assembly in Ghana in 2007.


Here is the difference Somaliland is dictating how we are going to talk when and where and who is going to mediate. There is no Somalia today as a state the ancient Ethiopia was still intact when Eritrean rebels were fighting, sudan is still intact.


Mario you should support this don't you want the Somali galbeed brothers to be free from Ethiopia lets support the oppressed people in Africa. How are the tuareg rebels in north mali by the way.

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burahadeer;827560 wrote:
Abtigiis in jail after sneaked border without visa:D

boqorkiibay shaah wada cabayaan.

War buurmadow shaahi xita walaga mamnuucay guadka jeelka Hargeysa ayaa maqlay buurmadoow oo madaxweynaha habaarayey hada sadex cisho buurmadow wax ma cabin:D Dont know about Abtigis isaga abti ba loo yahay biyo iyo roodhi wala siin:D

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Mario B   

No one forced Baashir, he was ****** to think that two tangled communities could be separated by drawing an imaginary line on the sand. The west was supporting S Sudan and Sudan knew this, anyway he could have made a peace deal without breaking up the country, the fool has just realised that now!


The problem in Sudan was Arabisationa and Islamisation on indegenious groups contrary to the Islamic spirit that says Shariah is for the muslim only. Sudan and most muslim countries in the 21 century are yet to learn the folly of state religion!! The west just used that opportunity to break up another potential muslim core state.


As to regards of O'gadenia, do you think the west will entertain the break-up of Ethiopia?, if I read between the line they are even thinking of incorpoarating the pariah state of Eritrea back to the fold of Ethiopia, that why they have out sourced their policy to Addis Ababa as to what status and relation should Eritrea have in the ITC. The IC have realised that creating such a state was pointless if was going to be another rogue state. But the question to be asked is, who made Eritrea a pariah state? There are countries that are worse that Eritrea that are friends of the west...

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Bashir was forced not only that if he wanted the sanctions to be lifted he had to come with some sort of agreement with the SPLM rebels the man is a mad man the whole darfur drama made his case worse.There was no other way even though John didn't want the break up of Sudan, but he wanted equality he also wanted to share power with the north, the referendum deal was a real victory for the south Sudanese folks. Some analysts say that Bashir really wanted peace with the south and to share the oil fields, i think he was just dumb.


Mario if the Eritreans did it, anything is possible do you think the west liked Eritrea breaking away in 1991 no they didn't Melez was insecure the Amharas and the Eritreans both threatened him in 1991 before he signed a referendum deal with the EPLF. Amhaaras didn't want to lose the sea but melez thought if i have the Eritreans on my side for a while i can get comfortable ruling Ethiopia. Could be that the west miscalculated because the current regime in Asmara is not really friendly towards the west and shows the middle finger anything related to neocolonialism they are setting the pace now for Africa.


Bu the ONLF rebels need to step up their game so that they can pressure addis Ababa for real talks they need to hold some ground inside Somaligalbeed.

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Mario B   

Xaaji Xunjuf;827589 wrote:
Bashir was forced not only that if he wanted the sanctions to be lifted he had to come with some sort of agreement with the SPLM rebels the man is a mad man the whole darfur drama made his case worse.There was no other way even though John didn't want the break up of Sudan, but he wanted equality he also wanted to share power with the north, the referendum deal was a real victory for the south Sudanese folks. Some analysts say that Bashir really wanted peace with the south and to share the oil fields, i think he was just dumb.

He was dumb, He should have learnt from how the west dealt with Saddam Hussein that once sanctions have been installed that there is no coming back until a complete regime change happens or the west are given all the resource rights. He didn't need the west because China/Malaysia was the country that developed his oildfields and oil infrastructure and was the market for his oil. Now not only is Sudan a pariah state lead by an indigted war criminal...the sanctions still remain with most oil revenues transferred to the South they are also about to start the whole war again as to sovereign states. [ It means Uganda/ Kenya/Israel can support Jubba government in the open now]. he was dumb, indeed!

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