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Somalilanders fascination with 50,000

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*Blessed;826950 wrote:
^how could we take them as lessons when you deny it happened?

Lessons need to be free of bias, ,,,

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The figure of 50.000 is fake and propaganda, the real figure is 5.000 as displayed in the US Library of Congress, they added another zero.


An estimated 5,000 [somalilanders] were killed between May 27 and the end of December 1988. About 4,000 died in the fighting, but 1,000, including women and children, were alleged to have been bayoneted to death.




An estimated 50,000 [somalilanders] were killed between May 27 and the end of December 1988. About 4,000 died in the fighting, but 1,000, including women and children, were alleged to have been bayoneted to death.

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Alpha Blondy;826941 wrote:
a scathing attack on somaliland

Oo caawa soo arooskaagii ma aheyn, ma dib baad u dhigtay?

Waa inoo habeen danbe, kolkaas ayaad ii warami insha allah.

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*Blessed;826950 wrote:
^how could we take them as lessons when you deny it happened?

that's why we otha words their statements & actions r the straw that broke the camels back.Somaliland seceded 3 days after Ali Mahdi elected himself president without even calling the SNM which was the strongest movement controlling all north..they heard on BBC!! and adding insult to injury claimed that the war againest Siyad Barre started in central regions without even mentioning SNM once...these are the kinds of people love talking about greater somalia.Ciisa bidiin wa muusa bidiin.

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It was SNM's intention to declare independence from the beginning, you ought to learn the real history.

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I attended a big meeting where the next development aid framework for somalia was discused this week. It was attended by World Bank, UN, Donors, etc. if only Burahadeer would have heard the comments of the white men about somaliland. One of them said "SL is ready to be assisted through the ministry of planning in Mogadishu, because they are realizing they are not going anywhere with 'this thing'." The way he said the 'this thing' was telling!! Kuwaan arkay hadii aqoonsi laga sugi, ilaahay rer abtigay ha u sahlo!

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Burahadeer for the Koonfurians the war started on December in 1990


For Somalilanders the war started in 1988 27 may in burco


For the Somalilanders independence came on 26 June


For the Koonfurians independence came on first of July



Ali mahdi said waan dhegeysaneye he said dagaalada gobolada dhexe bay ka bilaabmeen dawladi na xamar ka talineysey na wa dhacday hadana dawlad ba la so dhisay.


Burah Cigaal in the 90s at the guurti used to make jokes and say slaanta yar eeh suuqa bakara market tamandho ku ibinaysa waxa ka dhadhacsan Somaliland hadjyad ba lugu siiyey :D

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Abtigiis, illeen abti baan kuu ahay :), and i bet they're from the Awaare area like me. To be honest 50 thousand sounds like over kill, but there is no doubt there there was a massacre in the north. My family has suffered the losses and wounds to prove it.

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Abtigiis;826966 wrote:
I attended a big meeting where the next development aid framework for somalia was discused this week. It was attended by World Bank, UN, Donors, etc. if only Burahadeer would have heard the comments of the white men about somaliland. One of them said "SL is ready to be assisted through the ministry of planning in Mogadishu, because they are realizing they are not going anywhere with 'this thing'." The way he said the 'this thing' was telling!! Kuwaan arkay hadii aqoonsi laga sugi, ilaahay rer abtigay ha u sahlo!



Don't believe fake unionists for second:D.Go read back what you were saying before the London conference and then you vanished couple months when outcome came contrary to your wishful predictions.

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Somalia;826962 wrote:


It was SNM's intention to declare independence from the beginning, you ought to learn the real history.


SNM leaders were unionists Tuur Siilanyo only Ahmed Jimcaale was against the union of 1960 the first chairman. President Siilaanyo wrote a well drafted power-sharing formula for Somaliland and Somalia in march 1991. Even Selebaan gaal was send to Xamar on February in 1991 but nothing USC was still cleaning former siad bare loyalists. The USC faction broke into 2 ali mahdi made him self President a huge Military convoy arrived from berbera and joined the conference of burco, and when they heard that Mahdi declared him self as the interim president they grabbed the mic and talked about the history of Somaliland. And how the union in 1960 went wrong and the SNM wars and they suggested declaring independence unilaterally, what followed was a standing ovation from the crowed delegates elders and business people. And independence was declared based on the boundaries prior 1960 and that's how it went.

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Coofle;826953 wrote:
Lessons need to be free of bias, ,,,

Explain. What has bias got to do with my question? You either believe that Dawladii Siyaad has bombarded the northern cities or it didn't.

You implied that it was a lie before Oba called you up on it.



LOL@ Ciisa bidiin, Musa bidiin. Adna biduun diin, sow maaha? Landerska ma adaaba la keenaya? :P



p.s Thanks, but I'm not asking for history lessons. :)

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Xaaji Xunjuf;826967 wrote:
Burahadeer for the Koonfurians the war started on December in 1990


For Somalilanders the war started in 1988 27 may in burco


For the Somalilanders independence came on 26 June


For the Koonfurians independence came on first of July



Ali mahdi said waan dhegeysaneye he said dagaalada gobolada dhexe bay ka bilaabmeen dawladi na xamar ka talineysey na wa dhacday hadana dawlad ba la so dhisay.


Burah Cigaal in the 90s at the guurti used to make jokes and say slaanta yar eeh suuqa bakara market tamandho ku ibinaysa waxa ka dhadhacsan Somaliland hadjyad ba lugu siiyey



XX , remember 1990s some southern guys telling my dad that landers r crazy,how they gona survive ,where they gona get food?..I mean they were serious.The amazing thing is that they neva had enough food thmslvs from the rich river areas..all live in illusion,even Siyaad use to say that northerners r only 200,000 & half of that emigrated to gulf,so in his crooked mind he already calculated the end result.Waar maxaa ka dhacay:D

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You mean sheekadi Moos ma qabtiin Babay ma qabtin they do that:D its true they are blessed with fertile land i have seen it but to think that Somalilanders can't survive in Somaliland we lived in Somaliland and the hawd area in Somali galbeed for centuries. Way before they ever interacted with the Koonfurians give me my camel and my sijiyaad and and bakooraad and tusbax and i will live.

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True but I'm emphasizing their thinking from top down.The north blundered in 1960 & gave away everything cos they were solely focused on somalinimo when the south were putting millions of fake ballots and that's why they took us for granted .How you think the name wlwyn came? the people in the north heard on radio Mogadish that 700,000 voted in the town of wlawyn ,so they thought everybody in the south lives there:D

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