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A Huge Blast Rocks Galmudug Presidential Palace

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Qarax xoogleh oo ka dhacay meel aan waxbadan u jirin Madaxtooyada Galmudug.

Posted by nbi on May 5th, 2012


Qarax xoogleh ayaa ka dhacay meel aan waxbadan u jirin Xarunta madaxtooyada maamulka Galmudug ee koonfurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo, Qaraxan ayaa ka dhacay Gadaalka danbe ee xarunta madaxtooyada Galmudug iyadoona Dhowr qof ay ku dhaawacmeen.


Wararka lagahelayo isbitaalka Koonfurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo ayaa sheegaya in la geeyey Dhaawaca inkabadan Sadex Ruux iyadoona ay dadkaasi u badnaayeen Haween marayey halka qaraxu ka dhacay oo ah gadaasha madaxtooyada Maamulka Galmudug ee Koonfurta Magaalada Gaalkacyo.


Xiriiro ay Puntlandi lasamaysay Galmudug ayaa ka gaabsaday faahfaahinta qaraxaas, mana ah markii ugu horaysay oo la qarxiyey madaxtooyada maamulka Galmudug ee Koonfurta Gaalkacyo.

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From an electoral prospective, this clearly shows the need for a man with experience, a man like General Qeybdiid.

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it looks like in Dr. Osman ku riyooday sheekadaan since aanan ku arkin Hobyoradio iyo meel kale midna.:D

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