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Gunmen kill a Senior Journalist in Northern Galkayo

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Gunmen kill a Senior Journalist in Northern Galkayo

Posted by pi English on May 2nd, 2012

Galkayo(Puntlandi)—Unknown gunmen shot and killed a senior journalist in north Galkayo of Puntland on Wednesday, Puntlandi reports


Farhan James Abdulle, a journalist who has been working at Radio Daljir an independent radio station which have some branches in all Puntland was killed outside his home at Garsoor suburb in Nothern Galkacyo .


Witness reported gunman opened indiscriminate fire on the journalist , and he died on the spot.


Farhan James Abdulle was one of senior journalists working in Galkacyo for the past several years , and he was trainer for fresh Puntland journalists.


No group has so far claimed the responsibility of the assassination of the journalist.


Since 2012 it is the second incident that a local journalist haskilled in Northern Galkayo . Ali Ahmed , radio Galkayo journalist was also killed earlier this year in Galkacyo

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Kooxo hubeysan oo xalay Wariye u shaqeynayay Radio Daljir ku toogtay Waqooyiga Degmada Gaalkacyo ee Gobolka Mudug


Khamiis, May 03, 2012 (HOL) — Kooxo hubeysan ayaa xalay ku toogtay xaafadda garsoor ee waqooyiga degmada Gaalkacyo ee gobolka Mudug suxufi u shaqeynayay idaacadda Daljir oo lagu magacaabi jiray, Farxaan Jeemis Cabdulle xilli uu ka tagay goobtiisa shaqo uuna kusii socday gurigiisa.


Dilka wariyahan ayaa waxaa geystay kooxo hubeysan oo aan la garanayn, wuxuuna noqonayaa wariyihii labaad oo lagu dilo degmada Gaalkacyo tan iyo billowgii sannadkan 2012, iyadoo la xusuusto in bishii Maarso ee sannadkan lagu dilay isla degmada Gaalkacyo wariye Cali Axmed Cabdi oo 24-jir ahaa.


"Wariye farxnaan waxaa ku dhacday afar xabbadood waxayna saddex ka mid ah uga dhaceen laabta gaar ahaan dhinaca wadnaha xiga, waxaana laga toogtay dhabarka dambe," ayay yiraahdeen qaar ka mid ehelladiisa oo saxaafadda la hadlay.


Kooxihii dilka wariyaha geystay ayaa isaga baxday goobta, iyadoo ciidamada maamulka Puntland ay deegaankaas ka wadaan baaritaanno ku aaddan sidii ay kusoo heli lahaayeen kooxihii dilka wariyaha ka dambeysay.


Ma jirto cid sheegatay inay mas'uul ka tahay dilka wariyaha, waxaase uu gaarsiiyay tirada suxufiyiinta sannadkan oo keliya lagu dilay Soomaaliya kii shanaad iyadoo mid ka mid ah suxufiyiinta lagu dilay magaalada Baladweyne ee gobolka Hiiraan bishii lasoo dhaafay.


Sidoo kale, bilihii Jannaayo iyo Feberaayo ee sannadkan ayaa waxaa Muqdisho lagu dilay laba agaasimayaal idaacadeed oo lagu kala magacaabi jiray, Xasan Cusmaan Cabdi(Fantaastik) iyo Abuukar Xasan Kadaf, kuwaasoo lagu dilay degmada Wadajir ee gobolka Banaadir.


Marxuum Farxaan Jeemis oo da'diisu ahayd 27-jir ayaa wuxuu idaacadda Daljir u shaqeynayay shantii sano ee ugu dambeysay, wuxuuna ifka uga tagay xaas iyo saddex caruur ah, iyadoo lagu wado in maanta lagu aaso qubuuraha Cir-jiife ee duleedka degmada Gaalkacyo.


Maxamed Xaaji Xuseen, Hiiraan Online

Muqdisho, Soomaaliya

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Tacsida Marxuum Farxaan Jeemis

3 May 3, 2012 - 7:05:34 AM




Magaalada Galkacayo xarunta gobolka Mudug ayaa maanta 03,May 2012 waxa lagu aasey Alaha u naxariistee Farxaan Jeemis Cabdulle oo xalay kooxo hubeysani ku dileen xili uu gurigiisa uu socdey.


Ma jirto cid si rasmi ah loogu soo qabtey balse laamaha amaanka gobolka Mudug waxay xaqiijiyeen inay dhowaan cadaalada hor keeni doonaan ragii ka danbeyey dilkan foosha xun


Kadib markii uu soo shaacbaxay dilka wariyahan oo noqonaya kii 5aad guud ahaan Somalia gudaheeda sanadkan 2012 ayaa waxa isi soo taraya codadka diidan sida weyna uga soo horjeeda dilalka lala beegsanayo wariyaasha Somalia uguna danbeeyey Farxaan.


Wasiirka Warfaafinta DF Somalia Cabdiqaadir Jahweyn iyo Ururka Suxufiyinta Soomaaliyeed ee Nusoj ayaa durba dhanbaal tacsi u direy eheladii iyo qaraabadii uu ka geeriyoodey Wariye Farxaan Jeemis,waxana Alle uga baryeen inuu raxmadiisa ku manaysto.


Idaacada Radio Garowe ayaa barnaamij gaar ah ka sameysey dilka Wariyahan loo geystey waxana ka qayb-qaadanaya suxufiyiin badan oo kala jooga Garowe ,Galkacayo ,Muqdisho ,Bossaso ,Addis Ababa iyo weliba Nairobi.


Suxufiyiinta kala duwan ayaa tacsi tiiraanyo iyo murugo ku dheehan tahay u direy eheladii iyo asxaabtoo uu ka baxay marxuumku ,iyagoona Janadii Fardowsa uga baryey Eebe inuu geeyo.


Alaha u naxariistee marxuumka ayaa xaasle ahaa ,waxana uu ifka uga tagey saddex caruur ah.


Suxufiyiinta ayaa ka midoobey inaysan marnaba joojin doonin shaqadooda islamarkaasina aysan saaameyn ku yeelan doonin dilalka lala bartilmaameedsanayo balse ay ku sii dhiirigelindoonto inay sii wadaan shaqada ay ku hayaan bulshada Soomaaliyeed.

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Somalia: Gunmen kill Puntland journalist in Galkayo

2 May 2, 2012 - 9:36:29 PM


GALKAYO, Somalia May 2 2012 (Garowe Online) – A journalist was gunned down Wednesday evening as he was walking in a neighborhood in Galkayo’s west side, marking the second journalist killing in Puntland in less than two months, Radio Garowe reports.




Witnesses said the victim, Farhan Abdulle, was approached by unknown gunmen while he was walking along Garsoor neighborhood. Witnesses who found the dead body said the victim ran towards center of town and the main tarmac road.




The victim suffered 4 bullet wounds to the back and one bullet wound in the hand.




Puntland police arrived at the scene shortly afterwards and told media that they are investigating the killing. Farhan Abdullahi was a reporter for independent Radio Daljir for over 6 and was married with three children, the journalist's friends said.




The victim died a day before the annual commemoration of World Press Freedom Day. An event to honor this day was held in Galkayo by the National Union of Somali Journalists (NUSOJ) and its chairman, Mr. Burhan Dahir.




Many organizations like NUSOJ have raised awareness about the targeting of journalists working in Somalia. This is the fifth journalist to be killed in Somalia and second in Galkayo.




Farhan Abdulle is the second journalist to be killed in Galkayo in less than two months. On March 4, 2012, a journalist working for Radio Galkayo was gunned down by uknown gunmen.




In Mogadishu, director of independent Radio Shabelle was killed by uknown gunmen on January 29, 2012.




On April 6, 2012, another journalist was killed in Beledweyne, in central Somalia. This year has been a deadly year for Somali journalists so far.

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Radio Daljir has become a target these days.


I believe this is the 2nd or 3rd reporter of the Radio in few months.

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UN leader outraged at mounting media deaths


Thursday, May 03, 2012


UNITED NATIONS—UN leader Ban Ki-moon on Thursday led international outrage at the growing number of journalists killed in the line of duty amid widespread calls for greater protection for reporters.

Ban told a World Press Freedom Day event at the UN headquarters that journalists now face “dire threats” and highlighted that more than 60 were killed in 2011.


Amid international tributes to journalists such as Marie Colvin of the United States and Remi Ochlik of France who were killed in the Syrian protest city of Homs in March, some press freedom groups say this year could see an even worse media death toll.


Farhan Jeemis Abdulle, a radio reporter, was shot dead by gunmen in Somalia on the eve of World Press Freedom Day, police said. Abdulle was the fifth Somali journalist gunned down this year.

The UN secretary general said “countless” reporters “face intimidation, harassment and censorship at the hands of governments, corporations and powerful individuals seeking to preserve their power or hide wrongdoings and misdeeds.”


“Impunity for those who attack or threaten journalists remains disturbingly prevalent – including for assaults carried out in broad daylight, delivering the most brutal of messages.


“Such attacks are outrageous. I call on all concerned to prevent and prosecute such violence,” Ban said.

Reporters Without Borders said that 22 reporters and six bloggers and “citizen journalists” have already been killed since the start of the year.


According to Reporters Without Borders, five journalists have been killed in Somalia this year, four in Syria – including Colvin and Ochlik – two each in Bangladesh, Brazil and India, and one in Indonesia, Iraq, Lebanon, Nigeria, Pakistan, the Philippines and Thailand.


The UN General Assembly held a minute’s silence for journalists killed for their work.


“The first quarter of 2012 has clearly shown that the world’s predators of the freedom to inform, led by Syria’s Bashar al-Assad and Somalia’s Islamist militias, are capable of behaving like outright butchers,” Reporters Without Borders said.


The press freedom group also said that more than 280 journalists and bloggers have been imprisoned this year, including 32 in Eritrea, 30 in China, 27 in Iran and 14 in Syria. But five have been detained in Azerbaijan, which is the UN Security Council president for May.


Ban and press freedom groups have sought to stress the role of the media, and particularly the new social media, in covering the uprisings in Libya, Egypt and Syria over the past 18 months.


“Those new voices and new modes of communication have helped millions of people gain, for the first time, the chance at democracy and opportunities that had been denied to them for so long,” Ban said.


Several governments also highlighted the role of the press from which they so often come under attack.


Britain’s Foreign Secretary William Hague said the media death toll this year was “appalling.”


“Today we remember them all, including Sunday Times Journalist Marie Colvin and French photographer Remi Ochlik, who died bringing us the truth about what is happening to the people of Homs,” Hague said in a statement.

France’s Foreign Minister Alain Juppe also paid tribute to Ochlik and two other French reporters and photographers killed in the Arab uprisings. But he also highlighted the case of Romeo Langlois, a France 24 broadcast journalist, abducted in Colombia last weekend.


The Freedom House rights group said the Middle East and North Africa experienced “dramatic if precarious gains” in press freedom last year after the uprisings. But it added that Bahrain and Syria launched “harsh media crackdowns” as part of government crackdowns on uprisings.


The group said that China, Russia and Iran have kept a tight grip on the media by detaining critics and shutting down media outlets.

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