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Prime-Minister Abdiwali, where is the final draft of the constitution?

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^^ What's Xiin got to do with anything here? His misplaced trust in another dodgy cause has nothing to do with the awful conduct of the Somali PM. Naga daa dee.

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Mario B   

The PM needs to listen to all sections of Somalia, just because his enclave has endorsed it doen't give him the right to shove up other regions throats, his job is also to win people over to his argurments and principles not threaten anyone who disagrees... this is not a dictatorship. This top down approach has failed before, the government needs to carry everyone in this process if it wants to succeed!

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NGONGE;825124 wrote:
^^ What's Xiin got to do with anything here? His misplaced trust in another dodgy cause has nothing to do with the awful conduct of the Somali PM. Naga daa dee.

I don't think Xiin is naïve, adeer. Xiin waa oday, laakinse wuxu iibiyay princbleskiisi. Tolow codkiisa meqa la siista ama maxa lagu siina. Kolay kursi ayuu ugu balan qaaday Faroole. :D


Taleexi;825148 wrote:
Ra'isul wasaaraha su'aalaha badan ka daaya.


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Carafaat;825163 wrote:
I don't think Xiin is naïve, adeer. Xiin waa oday, laakinse wuxu iibiyay princbleskiisi. Tolow codkiisa meqa la siista ama maxa lagu siina. Kolay kursi ayuu ugu balan qaaday Faroole.

Adiga Faroole baa ku waalatay, I think it's past obsession now. :confused:

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Carafaat;825032 wrote:
Will Abdiwali pull another Faroole trick and come with another final draft constitution last minute? We ask the Prime Minister, where is the final draft? And why not publish an official Somali and English version on the TFG website or the website of the IFCC,

don't you think inaad messenger wax ka fileysid Carafaat....Soomaalidu dastuur qoris illaa iyo 2004 baa la ga sugayey oo dad bay mashruuc lacag lagu qaato u noqotay....Cabdiweli walaa kuwa u heesayaaba dastuurkaan waxba kalama socdaan ee waxayba iiskaga niikinayaan muusik loo daaray.

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Abwaan, ina adeerow maad no warrantid haddaba illeen adaa xog ogaal ahe. Aniga iyo ragga ila fikirka ahiba waxay ka duulaan sawirka guud ee Somaliya, Yalaxow uma qabaan inuu indheer garad yahay.


Warka nasii awoowe

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Abwaan's rejection stems from the failed attempt by the central regions to unite, so his neighbourhood Baraxley won't be counted as a state as it won't be able to fulfil the requirements needed by August 2012.


Remember, in the Garowe Principles, Puntland supported him (Caalin) so he would get the exemption and time to unite, he knows he will fail so he is against the whole road map and wants to take us all down with him.

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