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Xaaji Xunjuf

Ahlusuna wal jamaca supports Somalilands quest for statehood

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War Somalia entities waxba ma ictraafan meeshan aqoonsi maha waxa laga hadlayo UN maha they support it and that's a good thing the more people entities mayors odayaal dhaqmeed kuwa caanaha ibiya step by step baa sheekada meel wanaagsan bay u socota.

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Taleexi;825293 wrote:
Ma sheeko marqaankii Abti...... Khayr baan idiin rajeynayaa.

Mayaa waxa weye inay shacabka Somalia bararuugaan oo ay fahmaan abti Somaliland Jiritaaankeeda Somalia waxba uma dhimayso Somalia bad wa leedahay landlocked maha dad shacab kheyraad ka badan xita wa leedahay marka wax ay Somaliland kala maqantahay ba iska yar dadkina way fahmayan step by step muhimadu wa intaas Awoow.

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Dhib ma jiro sidaas si la mid ah uun baanu Khaatumo Soomaalida kale uga dhaadhicinaynaa yaa Xaaji... bal meesha ay ku danabayso hadhow aniga ha igu eedayn....

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Mario B   

When the war is over ASWJ will go back to the dugsi to teach sufism, I like the fact that they're in good terms with all somali constitutes but no one has given them the mandate to break-up the Somali state.

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:D :D @When the war is over ASWJ will go back to the dugsi to teach sufism


ASWJ is direct result of alshabaab's religious extremism, they went to Ethiopia to defend the graves of thier spiritual leaders not to participate in Somalia's political discourse

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Taleexi;825296 wrote:
Dhib ma jiro sidaas si la mid ah uun baanu Khaatumo Soomaalida kale uga dhaadhicinaynaa yaa Xaaji... bal meesha ay ku danabayso hadhow aniga ha igu eedayn....

Taleexi Taarikhda hadaynu dib u raacno Cali Mahdi ama Cali naafto sidad u taqanin. Madaxweyne ku sheegi 1991 eeh Somalia ayaa lugu yidhi Somaliland gooni isutaag bay ku dhawaqeen markasu yidhi afkooda bay ka yidhaheen this was 1991.


Abdiqasim Salaad Boy ba la doortay in 2000 in Djibouti Somaliland ba la weydiyey he said wax Somaliland la yidha ma jirto aniga u taliya isagu hudheel Jabuuti ku xidhan.


Cabdilahi Yusuf ba soo maray isaga la weydiyey isagu Qabiil babu ka dhigay oo wuxu yidhi walaalahayo with a mudug accent walalahayo Duriyada waanu jecelnahay isku taarikh baanu ahayn xiligi siad bare Waana la heshiinayhayna hadu alleh idmo, Taarikhdu maskaxdayda bay ku taxantahay.


Hada we have Ministers in the TFG who don't really oppose Somaliland quest for recognition,we have clan elders in Somalia who support Somaliland quest for statehood we also have several clan states in Somalia who support Somaliland ,dadki way soo burarugeen adeer, oo waxay fahmeen inanay Somaliland waxbana kala maqnayn waxbana ku so dari karayn:D

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xiinfaniin;825298 wrote:
:D @When the war is over ASWJ will go back to the dugsi to teach sufism


ASWJ is direct result of alshabaab's religious extremism, they went to Ethiopia to defend the graves of thier spiritual leaders not to participate in Somalia's political discourse

ASWJ are beiing sucked deep into politics, I don't think they will ever go back to dugsi, kursiga macaan ninkii ku fariistaa kama koco illaa garbaha la jiido.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;825300 wrote:
Taleexi Taarikhda hadaynu dib u raacno Cali Mahdi ama Cali naafto sidad u taqanin. Madaxweyne ku sheegi 1991 eeh Somalia ayaa lugu yidhi Somaliland gooni isutaag bay ku dhawaqeen markasu yidhi afkooda bay ka yidhaheen this was 1991.


Abdiqasim Salaad Boy ba la doortay in 2000 in Djibouti Somaliland ba la weydiyey he said wax Somaliland la yidha ma jirto aniga u taliya isagu hudheel Jabuuti ku xidhan.


Cabdilahi Yusuf ba soo maray isaga la weydiyey isagu Qabiil babu ka dhigay oo wuxu yidhi walaalahayo with a mudug accent walalahayo Duriyada waanu jecelnahay isku taarikh baanu ahayn xiligi siad bare Waana la heshiinayhayna hadu alleh idmo, Taarikhdu maskaxdayda bay ku taxantahay.


Hada we have Ministers in the TFG who don't really oppose Somaliland quest for recognition,we have clan elders in Somalia who support Somaliland quest for statehood we also have several clan states in Somalia who support Somaliland ,dadki way soo burarugeen adeer, oo waxay fahmeen inanay Somaliland waxbana kala maqnayn waxbana ku so dari karayn:D

Sharaxaad dheer baad bixisay balse waxaan kuugu celinayaa waqooyigi afar ilaa shan maamul buu noqonayaa ee markaas hadhow yaan la odhan malaa reerku isla joogo baa fiicnaa.....

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Mukulaaloow qof siyasad Somali ku biira waligi ka bixi mayo oday anu family nahay oo la yidha General Jamac Maxammad qaalib since the 1950s bu Siyasad ku jiray maanta 80 jir bu ku dhowyahay Wali Siyaasaad kama hadhin marba shir bu taga.

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Taleexi;825307 wrote:
Sharaxaad dheer baad bixisay balse waxaan kuugu celinayaa waqooyigi afar ilaa shan maamul buu noqonayaa ee markaas hadhow yaan la odhan malaa reerku isla joogo baa fiicnaa.....

Taleexi waxaasi wa isku huuhaa wa idinki uun mar ssc la baxay mar kaafi Community la baxay hadana Khatumo inkastow khatumo hada anu aad iskugu siyasad dhownahay Afarta mamuul wa idinka uun dee oo sadex madaxweyne ah abti idinka hadhow Hadana magac kale la bixi doona wadanka intisa kale dee wa iska Alxamdulilah Khatumo na meel fog ma jirto isku qadiyad banu nahay wa xisbiyada SL eeh is bad badala uun.

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Kala tagi mayno La isna dili mayo ama ssc noqda ama khatumo noqda ama Garad state la baxa Umadaha reer Somaliland aan ugu jeclahay baad tihin.

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Mario B   

Xaaji Xunjuf;825308 wrote:
Mukulaaloow qof siyasad Somali ku biira waligi ka bixi mayo oday anu family nahay oo la yidha General Jamac Maxammad qaalib since the 1950s bu Siyasad ku jiray maanta 80 jir bu ku dhowyahay Wali Siyaasaad kama hadhin marba shir bu taga.

Lol, that sounds like you Xaaji. :D

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