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Even A Monkey Has A Constitution

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If we look at this in the best context we still end up with the same conclusion, we are dealing with can only be described as a primitive people. A set of fundamental principles is nothing more than how a state should be governed. Instead of debating how it should be govern, we have been cursed with a people who outright reject rule of law. Who rejects a constitution without reading it, without even knowing what it is? The rejection stems out of the illegal and immoral lifestyle some of these people have become used to. It is out of nothing more than self interest by which they want to drag the country down with them.


Today we learn what we always knew that the constitution which so many warlords and thieves have rejected hasn't even been released. The meaning of 'we reject it' is we don't want peace.


Lets look at one of the distinguished people who have rejected this to form a conclusion of their motives.


1. Yusuf Indhacade.


The UN report emphasizes that Mr. Indha Cadde uses modern techniques of crop production to produce the drug, and employs skilled agriculturists to grow high yielding and potent marijuana which he then exports to the local and international markets.
Worst he confiscated these farms from their rightful owners who used to grow and export crops such as bananas and grape fruits that were providing employment and earning hard currency for the nation.


As for the ones that claim the 1960s one is good, we aren't living in the 1960s, we are in the year 2012. Let me get a calender for you.



We have a Transitional Federal Government, the key word in their is federal, and this constitution will be adjusted to coincide with it. If you actually listen to the people editing it who released a similar one in 2010, it's based on the 1960s which you can compare to it.


So in conclusion if this isn't passed it means we don't want peace and I believe it is in the interest of the Somali people to just part waya since peace won't come any time soon. Just think for a minute, a child who was 9 years old then is now 30 years old and people are still attempting to spoil peace. Waa wax laga yaabo.

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I don't even get it. :(


However, Che, do you not feel that it is sad that people are holding back a piece of paper without knowing what it means? I bet they don't even know that the future will depend on the original 18 states.


If men like Indhacade and others make a maamul, let them make a maamul but these men who are not even capable of uniting a couple of cities want to hold back the rest of Somalis without even telling us which part of the constitution they object to, is not right.


We aren't living by the gun anymore, it's the brain now. And what it shows us is that the spoilers to their core do not want peace because peace means the restoration of order, the reallocation of stolen properties and end to the illegal activities.

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i really don't think they want 1960 one either, even if it was brought back. their constitution is nihilism and anarchy. period

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Faarah, the problem isn't with the constitution, their real problem is the road map. However, they can't object to it seeing as various factions have endorsed it and the international community has gone to support it.


This is their way of objecting to the whole notion of federalism since they can't unite on the ground.

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