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Saracen Officer Killed In Puntland After Slapping One Of The Trainees.

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Dr_Osman;824577 wrote:
settling scores financially at sea.

Lool @ Dr.


Condoning piracy now, are we? :D


There is one thing you said that I agree with , the foreign trainers should be given training and orientation about the Somali culture and norms. This incident should give the admin in Garowe a wake up call. Outsiders coming to Puntland should be told their limits and taught local customs to avoid such precarious and volatile situation.

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No outsider should be hired, whether be a consultant, health assistant, construction worker or security trainer without going through proper induction and orientation.

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Qandalawi yes some sort of orientation and induction is a must for the foreigners to know how to operate and conduct themselves in the state. As for the piracy bro its settling scores you still our fish we will steal your boats. Plus its not against somalis but in-general against foreigners.


But moryanism is stealing ppl properties, looting locals, taxi drivers asking for bribes, officials living in ppls homes, going inside ppl backyards and stealing, airport officials conducting in shady businesses..that is moryanism learn it bro and that is not what happens in Puntland it's solely a mogadishu and hargeisa specialty.


You are crazy if you think that sort of stuff occurs in Puntland never has and never will because seriously what do somalis have we need ayuu sucasha noqonaysa. There is nothing they have we do not have in bigger and more prosperous quantities. As for the international community well that is different issues yes they have more then us hence why we focus on them. Not only that they stole from us we have the right to steal from them. Thats not moryanism but settling the score just like this guy settled the score with the south african.


U need to learn how puntlanders operate. Abdullahi Yusuf is typical of it thats why he was loved. A man of justice but strong and will defend but not go over the limit and still be nationalist.

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