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Puntland Military Tribunal Sentences 3 Soldier For Gross Mis-Conduct

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GAROOWE : Maxkamada Ciidamada Puntland oo xukun kala duwan ku ridey Askar ka tirsan Ciidanka Puntland

April 28, 2012 10:44 am GMT - Written by Editor - Edited by Editor



Garoowe:-Maxkamada Ciidanka Puntland ayaa maanta xukun kala duwan ku riddey 3 Askari oo tirsan Ciidanka Puntland kuwaas lagu heley dambiyo kala duwan oo isugujira Kufsi, lunsasho qori iyo shaqo gudasho la’aan.


Xeer Ilaaliyaha Maxkamada Ciidanka Puntland Cabdikariin Xasan Firdhiye ayaa waxa uu sharaxey magacyada Askarta, meelaha ay ka tirsan yihiin, dambiyada ay geleen iyo waliba inta lagu kala xukumey.


Maxamuud Cabdiraxmaan ciusmaan Boolis ka tirsan Saldhiga dhexe ee Garoowe waxaa lagu helay Kufsi waxaa lagu xukumey 7 sano oo xarig ah.


Axmed Daahir Buraale oo ka tirsan Ciidanka Booliska Puntland gaar ahaa Saldhiga dhexe ee Garoowe waxaa lagu heley shaqo gudasho la’aan waxaa lagu xukumey 2 sano oo xarig ah.


Aadan Cabdilaahi Guuleed Askari ka tirsan Ciidanka Daraawiishta Puntland waxaana lagu soo eedeeyay in uu gatey qori ay Dawladdu leedahay waxaana lagu xukumey 1 sano oo xarig ah.


Xeer Ilaaliyaha Maxkamada Ciidanka Cabdikariim waxa sheegay in baaritaan dheer la sameeyay oo la xaqiijiyay in dhamaman Askartan ay galeen dambiyada lagu xukumey.

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Just because your puntland soldier doesn't mean you get away with impunity. Let this serve as a warning to all serving men and women that gross misconduct under the auspice of wearing the uniform will not be tolerated or accepted and you will be punished accordingly. The uniform or badge in the state doesn't give you the right to run wild!!! Me a Citizen, An IDP, a Resident, Interstate Traveler, a Foreigner all share the same rights under our constitution to be treated with respect, equality and humility.


Me and Xaji Xunjuf, JB, CHE, Rudy, Relentless may have differing opinions but we have the right in Puntland to express those opinions without fear of retialiation. There is an effective govt here

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