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Bosaso Nicknamed The Mother Of Progress. Fastest Growing City In East Africa. PICS

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Boosaaso ku dardartay. Garoowena kugu durdurisay. Gaalkacyana kaa talaabsatay,,,,,,,,,Aamiin dheh Ditoore:D

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Showqi, ive never seen u happy with anything about puntland, why is that? and don't use the excuse I hate the way dr-osman is a puntland addict. I am puntland addict because for one reason, This is a place that started with nothing, lost everything we had in somalia, went to the most driest part of somalia and turned a major city bosaso into a financial capital that is getting mentioned as the fastest urbanizing city centers in east-africa and that is way beforeeeeeee oil has struck. That will lead to another era which I like to call the modernization of Puntland

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Ditoore I really do love Puntland ask General Duke. I do participate and give my opinion about the topics talking about Puntland's progress and the improvement that Puntland had made so far. I just don't like when you (Dr_Osman) some times promote only Puntland and insult the rest of our beloved country. Please refrain from the insult and you will find me, and many other Nomads in your Threads and Topics that you have started. Belief me I had the chance to visit many, many differed regions of Somalia When I was very young including Bari (specially Gaalkacyo, Garoowe, Daawad iyo Eyl). The only area that I have never been is Bay iyo Bakool. So I do Love the entire Somalia (Koonfur, Bari iyo Waqooyi Galbeed), waanan ku faraxsanahay horumarka ay gaadheen gobolada qaarkood illaahayna waxaan marwalba ka baryaa in uu u siyaadiyo. Waayo waa dalkeeygii iyo walaalahay Soomaaliyeed, wixii wanaag ah iyo horumar ee ay gaadhaana kuligeen waxaa inooga imaneysa faa'iido.

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Showqi;823674 wrote:
Ditoore I really do love Puntland ask General Duke. I do participate and give my opinion about the topics talking about Puntland's progress and the improvement that Puntland had made so far. I just don't like when you (Dr_Osman) some times promote only Puntland and insult the rest of our beloved country. Please refrain from the insult and you will find me, and many other Nomads in your Threads and Topics that you have started. Belief me I had the chance to visit many, many differed regions of Somalia When I was very young including Bari (specially Gaalkacyo, Garoowe, Daawad iyo Eyl). The only area that I have never been is Bay iyo Bakool. So I do Love the entire Somalia (Koonfur, Bari iyo Waqooyi Galbeed), waanan ku faraxsanahay horumarka ay gaadheen gobolada qaarkood illaahayna waxaan marwalba ka baryaa in uu u siyaadiyo. Waayo waa dalkeeygii iyo walaalahay Soomaaliyeed, wixii wanaag ah iyo horumar ee ay gaadhaana kuligeen waxaa inooga imaneysa faa'iido.

Wa inaad garataa dad badan ayaa cadow uu ah dadkaga iyo dalkaga.

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Dr_Osman;823678 wrote:
Wa inaad garataa dad badan ayaa cadow uu ah dadkaga iyo dalkaga.

I know brother. Inoo soo ducee in uu illaahay dadkeena heshiisiiyo, dalkeenana nabad iyo barwaaqo ka dhigo....:D

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^ Dr am I a cadow? I hope not, cause your threads are too extreme for many Puntlanders in SOL~ tone it down!

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uchi;823682 wrote:
^ Dr am I a cadow? I hope not, cause your threads are too extreme for many Puntlanders in SOL~ tone it down!

you only show your face when oil is on the discussion plate. Your an oil fanatic, even though I like the oil happening I see it as an on-going project (taas meel bay inoo taala) but I want to make sure other projects are kick-starting or ongoing in other sectors as well. Thats what makes me happy

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Dr_Osman;823695 wrote:
Hey guys notice the huge difference when u trim out the mountains. It takes away the canyon effect and gives you a feeling of what it would be like at ground walking around




But damn am I looking forward tooooooooooooooo golis and iftin glass additions, I thinks about time we started adding more glass to the city but I could why they might avoid that cause it requires alot of maintenance especially with sand being blown on windows and so forth. But hey this is Bosaso "we'll always find a way to overcome something"

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