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Bosaso Nicknamed The Mother Of Progress. Fastest Growing City In East Africa. PICS

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Boosaaso: “Hooyada Horumarka Puntland” [sawiro]

Updated:- 24 mins ago| 2 Commnets





Magaalada Boosaaso oo ah magaalo kulaasha badda cas islamarkaana ay ku taal deked halbowle u ah dhaqaalaha iyo ganacsiga Puntland iyo qaybo badan oo kamid ah dalka Soomaaliya waxay sanadihii u danbeeyey nasiib u yeelatay in loo aqoonsado magaalada ugu weyn magaalooyinka geeska Africa marka laga eego dhinaca kororka dhismaha.


Boosaaso oo burburkii dowladdii dhexe ee Mileteriga kahor ahayd tuulo yar oo ay dad koobani ku nool yihiin waxay xiligaas wixii ka danbeeyey isu bedeshey magaalado aad u mashquulsan ganacsi firfircoon iyo fursado badan oo shaqana ay ka jiraan.


Tirakoobyadii ugu danbeeyey ee Boosaaso lagu sameeyey waxay sheegayeen in tirada guryaheedu ay kor u dhaafayaan 100.000, waxaana tirada dadka kunool oo marba marka ka daneysa sii kordhaysa lagu qiyaasaa ku dhowaad 900,000 oo qof.


Dhismayaasha waaweyn iyo guryaha dabaqyada ah oo iyagu astaan u ah horumarka magaalooyinka ayaa mudooyinkii u danbeeyey kusoo badanayey Boosaaso, waxayna horseedeen in Boosaaso ay noqoto magaalo marba marka ka danbeysa ay bilicdeedu sii kordheyso.


Horseed Media waxay halkan idiinku soo gudbineysaa sawiro muujinaya sida uu xiligan yahay muuqaalka magaalada Boosaaso oo qaar badan oo dadka kamid ahi ay ku naaneysaan inay tahay hooyada horumarka Puntland.


Horseed Media








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kingofkings;823643 wrote:
subhanallah. Bosaso is a beast. :cool:

I think bosaso has multipe CBDS. Because i've seen shots of the city from many different angles all built like its the down-town

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rumour has it idps are being kicked off prime land areas in bosaso and being shifted to the outskirts of the city because the owners are selling the prime real-estate at premiums because the city is getting too tight and land value has soared because everyone is trying to build something in the city. I guess when they offered the land for IDP settlement they had no clue the city would be beefing up like this.


Other rumours has it that bosaso is going to join with laag in the near future as it expands out in that direction following the main road!!!


Funny thing is its just going to get more dense and bigger which then will ultimately call for skyscrapers cause they cant expand out anymore.

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Hey kingy if the cadows give you a hard time. Just throw this at them and say "show me one place ur clan resides that can match it" u can also put a stipulation "built in 14 years"












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Also make sure to add this one



Guaranteed noone will match it and they will cry deep down asking themselves "what happened to their cities" thats how u really get somalis angry do it like that kingy.

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Oh btw we need to forget bosaso now, tanaaday. We really need to focus on Garowe plus we need to get galkayo out of the media black out it's suffered regarding the city developments.


We also need to keep a stern eye on key infrastructure developments like airports/ports. This is our weak points. We are getting better with roads. The amount of dayactirs on our roads last year or feeder roads into xafads or remote town I stopped counting. On-top of that with bosaso city road project AND the coastal city roads project its safe to say were leading in roads in Somalia.


Our serious weak points are airports. Its disgraceful and nothing short of it. We are last on the list when it comes to that. Mogadishu takes the cake, followed by somaliland and possibly abudwaq if we dont get our act together. I am paying close attention to turkey and its airport projects in Puntland and I hope you are also. Plus im waiting to see the final result of Bosaso expansion port but im not hopeful it will modernize it.


Strong areas









Weak areas

Lifeline Infrastructures

Electricity especially in regulations, safety, and services

Ministries need to be modernized. Especially MAJOR portfolio ones like education, security. Finance-Health-Planning-Commerce-Interior are ok for now.

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