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Coward Shabab Spokeman Ali Dheere Threatens Shabab Will Be Taking Over Puntland Soon

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Guys Puntland is going to buy all those big weapons when the oil money comes. It first focus is on security and that means alot of purchasing of new hardware unseen in Somalia. Puntland first priority is always security and big money is going to be spent on it come oil production time. I'll give you all another warning like I always do and my predictions have proven to be SPOT ON most of the time like (oil tankers off bosaso) Don't be suprised markad maqashan "Dekeda Bosaso ayaa manta ka soo degtay ICBMS, MARITIME NAVAL VESSELS, JET FIGHTERS, ETC ETC"


Just know that you been told beforehand and when it does happen i'll be reposting this and saying "TOLD YOU SO". I look at many factors before I reach conclusions and I look at the evidences and take into consideration what are the regional priorities of Puntland to come to such conclusions. There is also going to be huge investments into fully modernized water network, electricity grids, roads and the oil will be mainly used for that to develop asphalt, their will be huge investments into financial sector also siiba banking, trading, etc.

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^^ Black markets in Nepal, and in Bhutan is where the supply would be coming from, not Mumbai, world security waxba kama taqaanid , sxb.




Soon, Puntland Aircarft manufacturing would be established, competing major companies such as Airbus and Boeing.



Diktoore, goormaa space Mars loo diri

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hahahaha.... USS Abdullahi Yusuf and the storm troopers were my faverate ones...seriously funny.


osman..aslahabab have something called real guns, they are not going to bring pictures to the battle ground and if they can fight Ethiopians, KEnyans and the might of the AU your fake substate will be a cake walk...

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lol I love the stormtroopers, if you look again the suits actually come in different sizes and shapes, at the back there is a chubby~ :)


Viva Puntlandians~

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