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Coward Shabab Spokeman Ali Dheere Threatens Shabab Will Be Taking Over Puntland Soon

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Cali Dheere “Dhowaan Al-Shabaab Talada Puntland ayay la wareegeysaa (Dhageyso)


Afhayeenka Al-Shabaab Cali Maxamuud Raage (Cali Dheere) ayaa wareysi uu siiyay Idaacada Andulus ee ku hadasho afka Kooxda Al-Shabaab waxa uu sheegay in dhowaan ay la wareegi doonaan Maamulka Puntland.


Cali Dheere ayaa ugu hanjabay Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Faroole in dhowaan Shabaabka ay talada kala wareegi doonaan.


Sidoo kale Afhayeenka Al-Shabaab ayaa sheegay in ay qorshaha ugu jirto sidoo ay u gaari lahaayeen dhamaan deeganada Puntland.


Hadalka Afhayeenka Al-Shabaab ayaa waxa uu ku soo aadayaa iyadoo Buuraha Golis ay ku suganyihiin dagaalyahano ka tirsan Ururka Al-Shabaab.


Cali Dheere ayaa ku faanay in Al-Shabab ay awood u leeyihiin in ay isku qeybiyaan Koofur iyo Bari oo uu ule jeeday Deeganada Puntland.


Dhowaan ayay eheed markii Madaxweynaha Puntland Cabdiraxmaan Faroole uu sheegay in Ciidamada Al-Shabaab ay u soo guureen Deegaanada Puntland gaar ahaan Buuraha Golis.


Xaawo Cisman Nadiir

Horseed Media-Muqdisho


Dhageyso Codka Cali Dheere

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The whole might of puntland will be unleashed on anyone who dares undermine the state.Waxba yaan loola harin cadowga dalka









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Somalidu wa iska hadlan or as relentless says 'hot air'





I think CHE once said "office workers doing part time military parades" wa iga qosolsiyay cuz were not going to battlefields were just always doing parades. So let me be so I can attack ALI DHEERE WITH PARADES

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Dotoore waxaad hilmaantay


Puntland long range missiles




Puntland aircraf carrier, USS Abdullahi Yusuf




Iskushuban nuclear reactor


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The AN26S are confirmed in Puntland whether you want to accept it or not and there is reports of helicopters in Bosaso that belong to the marines.

Garoonka maamulkiisa ma hoostago wasaaradda duulista ee Puntland, sidoo kalana waxba lagama oga hawlaha ay Saracen ku qabato garoonka. Waxaa la sheegay in diyaarado nooca
ay habeenkii ku soo degaan garoonka, isla markaana ciidamo hubeysan ay ku sugan yihiin garoonka.

Plus Farole said noone in Somalia or even amisom has air-assets. He wouldn't of used the term 'air assets' if he only had planes he has a mix of air-capabilities which include helicopters thats why he used the term 'air assets'. Below is the quote


No other force in Somalia, including the Mogadishu-based central government or African Union peacekeepers, has air assets.

As for the Long-range missiles, ICBMS, and all those goodies will come once the oil production begins. The first thing on the shopping items is security as cade muse said


When I asked the president, Mohamoud Musa Hirsi, what he would do with revenue from future oil production, he replied: “
Spend it on security
.” That is because oil will very likely lead to another civil war

Alla somalida dhib jecela runta neceba, waxaa soo socoto uma jeedan weli. Illahi ba idin maqan!!!! Puntland tashatay. When farole said he had air assets that means a mixed assortment of helicopters and military planes. If he had only one sort of it he wouldn't of said that. Daandaansi iyo indha tiris meel idin ma geynayso

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