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Roadmap on Course to be successfully implemented

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The Roadmap for Somalia, which envisions a united and reshaped Federal Somalia is on course to be successfully implemented.


The Roadmap which is based on four pillars: Security, Constitution, Reconciliation and Good Governance. All the agreed points and pillars are universal in their fulfillment. The International community is demanding an end to the decade long Transition before the actual set date of 20 August 2012, to end the countries Transition by implementing this four priority tasks mentioned.


The constitution is on track to be adopted and will be rectified in the coming month of May inshallaah.


The International Community see's the people and state of Puntland as worthy and trustable partner in Somalia and thus have put them in the driving sea and and charge of ending that Transition. The chaotic south and residents of central regions of Somalia from Gelinsoor, Guriceel, Cadaado, Hobyo, Harardheere who were seen as the principal scrap merchants, pillagers and looters of the country and anti-peace occupiers and spoiles of Mogadishu and segments of large parts south of their original homelands are now forced to establish their own regional federal state. We also hear loud cries from the leaders of Somaliland who kept a fairy-tale of being a separate country alive and thus fooling their own people with it and are close to see the reality and the fear of that happening.They try their best to conceal and stay in the closet.


Somalia is close to peace again inshaallaah and the Roadmap being successfully implemented is very likely as spoilers from the south and north west of the country are trying their up-most best to derail the outcome as they feel disadvantaged but to no avail as yet.

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Why are you so obsessed with Puntland, I can give you the status of de facto Puntlander, like I am going to give to Carafaat.

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April 27, 2012






(For immediate release)


AMISOM warns spoilers against disrupting the peace process

Mogadishu‐April 26th, 2012: The African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) has said that it will not allow spoilers to sabotage the peace process as the country approaches the end of the transitional period.


Speaking during a press briefing in Mogadishu today, the Deputy Special Representative of the Chairperson of the African Union Commission (DSRCC) for Somalia, Honorable Wafula Wamunyinyi observed that as the country draws closer to the end of the transitional period there will be heightened political activities and called on stakeholders to refrain from acts and statements that may disturb the peace currently enjoyed in most parts of the country.


He said; “It is important to note that this is the longest period of peace that Somalia has enjoyed since the fall of a central government in 1991. There have been sacrifices to get to where we are and AMISOM will not allow anybody to disrupt the peace process.”


The Deputy AU Special Representative noted the firm commitment demonstrated by the Transitional Federal Institutions to delivering a provisional constitution to the people of Somalia. “As we speak, the elders’ meeting is convening right here in Mogadishu to select members of the Constituent Assembly which is expected to review and adopt the draft provisional constitution. I look forward to a successful session by the assembly which should adopt the constitution by mid May.” He said.


Honorable Wafula Wamunyinyi who took opportunity of the press briefing to introduce the in‐coming Force Commander Lieutenant General Andrew Gutti as part of implementation of United Nations Resolution 2036, extended his appreciation to out‐going Force Commander Major General Fred Mugisha for helping the TFG to liberate key areas including Daynile and Maslah from Al‐Shabaab terrorists. He said AMISOM has secured the whole of Mogadishu and is now helping the TFG to consolidate the defense of the city and advancing beyond.



For more information, please Contact;

Mr. Eloi Yao, Senior Public Information Officer and Spokesperson, E‐mail:

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