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Private School Thugs Trying To Destablize Puntland's Centralized Quality Based Education

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Sir ka fakatey Daladda Waxbarashada PEN

25 Apr 25, 2012 - 3:06:55 AM




Dalada Waxbarshada Ahliga ee Somalia PEN ayaa warqad sir ah oo laga helay waxay soo gaartey xafiiska Garowe Online waxana waqadaasi lagu kicinayaa ardeyda waxkabarta iskulaadka Puntland ,waalidiintooda iyo weliba macalimiinta iyo maamulayaasha xarumaha waxbarasho.


Muhiimada qoraalkan ayaa la sheegey in uu salka ku hayo dagaal ay Dalladuhu ugu jiraan in meel mariyaan shahaadooyin u gaaraah tasoo ku lid ah Shahaadada guud ee Wasaaradda waxbarashada Puntland


Dhanka kalena qoraal ayaa xanbaarsan abaabul kacdoona oo aya sameeyaan Ardeyda iyo Waalidiinta dugsiyada sare ee xidhiidhka la wadaaga Dallada Waxabarashada Puntland ee loo yaqaano PEN.


Heshiiska DF Somalia ayaa qeexaya in Puntland u madax banaan tahay arrimeheeda gaarka sida amaanka ,waxbarashada ,caafimaadka iyo horumarinta adeegyadeeda.waxana Daladani ay ka jirtaa meelo farababadan Somalia ,iyadoona dhacdey in suuqa madow laga soo sameystey shahaadooyinkeeda.


Dowladda Puntland ee Somalia ayaa waxa dhamaan hoostaga iskuulaadka waxbarasho ee Puntland ka jira,waana mida ay doonayso daladu inay ka madaxbanaanaato wasaarada,waxana la filayaa dhowaan in dowladdu ka soo saarto war daladan oo kicin iyo khal-khal gelisey ardeyda gaar ahaan kuwa sanadkii ugu danbeeyey ku jira heerkooda waxbarasho



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You cowards will not infilitrate and pollute the quality education in Puntland that has been achieved over the past 5 years. Puntland students are 100 years ahead of other somalis because of good education policies. Get your act together enemies of the state you will not achieve nothing get out and go pollute your own low standard education systems. ALLA CADOW BADAN BAY LEE DAHAY PUNTLAND

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Dr_Osman;822784 wrote:
You cowards will not infilitrate and pollute the quality education in Puntland that has been achieved over the past 5 years. Puntland students are 100 years ahead of other somalis because of good education policies. Get your act together enemies of the state you will not achieve nothing get out and go pollute your own low standard education systems. ALLA CADOW BADAN BAY LEE DAHAY PUNTLAND

i have a theory and im being joke. seriously. The water supply in Bari is seriously contaminated with mind altering substances. Because lets be honoust one is understandable but when they all crazy its not a coincidence. hahaha

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Relentless;823940 wrote:
i have a theory and im being joke. seriously. The water supply in Bari is seriously contaminated with mind altering substances. Because lets be honoust one is understandable but when they all crazy its not a coincidence. hahaha

the side effect of the green leaf. hahahaha lol :cool:

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