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How Do We Deal With These Puntland Nazis? PICS

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Wiil cusub somaliland warkooda way cad-dahay wayba goosteen and even somaliland isn't even this bad runti lakin puntland baan la yaaban ahay we claim we are apart of somalia but we act as if we are separate nation but we do not claim it. Yaab sow ma ahan? I have always been confused by this and I think we really need to set our priority!! I hate living in a state of confusion politics


I stated this issue because it has been getting stronger and stronger by the year and it doesn't appear to being slowing down

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Who is going to win the battle between these two ageing titans


Somaliland Corner



Puntland Corner



Stats So Far:



1. Puntland federalism has become a reality on the ground and also with international support. Politically The State is Dominant

2. Somaliland has never really had a strong political front, its always been a matter of "searching and hopeing for the best"


Winner Puntland


Military battles

1. Puntland has slugged it out before with Somaliland in 2003. Remained Dominant till 2007 and has gradually retreated on the northern frontier. Puntland remains vigilante against shabab and continues to defeat it in it's homeland.

2. Somaliland has made fast gains since 2007 securing Las Anod due to divisions within that city. It's suffered heavy defeats in buhodle.


Winner Somaliland


Territorial land and Sea


1. Puntland is all north mudug-bari-nugaal-eastern sanaag-southern sool-southern toghdheer. 1300km of coastline

2. Somaliland is waqoyi galbeed-northern toghdheer-western sanaag-northern sool-awdal. 300km of coastline


Winner Puntland



1. Primary/Secondary schools alot more quality in Puntland due to education reforms. Universities are still lacking

2. Low level quality in primary/secondary good universities such as amoud. An Ivy league type education in Somalia


Pland and Sland tied



1. Puntland immunisation program for kids, free surgeries for all people remote and local campaigns, hospital capacity being enhanced and new hospitals being built. Definitely a strong sector

2. Somaliland hospitals edna aden facility is top notch with a few others in hargeisa like manhal however other then the health sector is badly performing. No initiatives happening there that is changing the lives of people.


Winner Puntland



1. Puntland definitely remains strong when it comes to lower level administrations like councils and assemblies, alot more capacity buildings happening to ministries and other critical arms of governance. Constitution and multi party just ratified. Democratisation program continues.

2. Somaliland is fully fleged democracy however corrupt it may be. Lower level administrations are seriously lacking, good governance is questionable.


Winner somaliland mainly because of the democracy other areas are shady business.

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Dr_Osman;822794 wrote:
Wiil cusub somaliland warkooda way cad-dahay wayba goosteen and even somaliland isn't even this bad runti lakin puntland baan la yaaban ahay we claim we are apart of somalia but we act as if we are separate nation but we do not claim it. Yaab sow ma ahan? I have always been confused by this and I think we really need to set our priority!! I hate living in a state of confusion politics


I stated this issue because it has been getting stronger and stronger by the year and it doesn't appear to being slowing down

I knew you were confused dude!!! Hadii ay wax Soomaalinimo ahi kugu jirto Walaalahaa waqooyi galbeed ama koonfurta Soomaaliya maad weerarteen mar walba. Mudane Eber, wax ma yaqaan!

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Dr_Osman;822834 wrote:
showqi im just a puntlander

That is all you can come up with!!! you disappoint me saaxiib...


Ps. I am Puntlander too because I use to live in Eyl (from the age of 6 - 8 years old) and that is where I learn how to swim.....

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oba hiloowlow;822733 wrote:
inaa lilaahi puntands nazis kuye, waa kii yiri soomali maahi puntlanders baan ahay lool waraa ditoore xaal qaado saan maanakobiyaa lagu galaa

lol...malaha wuxuu hore u yiri maba xasuusto...Sheekada adigu ma fahmin ee intaas in lagu tuso ayaa la rabey...Waa runtaa Soomaaliya Ha Noolaato Dr. Osman:D

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