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Puntland Govt Is Prepared To Offer A Pardon To Khatumo Culprits

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Khaatumo waan la hadlaynaa cafisna waa u furaynaa inay weydiistaan Dawladda Puntland:Wasiirka Kaluumeysiga Eng-Maxamed


Written by Administrator

Tuesday, 24 April 2012 14:21


Wasiirka kalluumaysiga iyo khayraadka badda ee Puntland Eng. Maxamed Faarax Aadan ayaa sheegay dowladda Puntland inay albaabada wadahadalka ay u furtay cidkasta oo dhibaato tirsanaysa.


Wasiirka oo la hadlayay saxafadda ayaa sheegay dowladda Puntland inay guud ahaanba maamusho gobolada Sool iyo Cayn oo dhowaan looga dhawaaqay maamulka Khaatumo, waxaa uu sheegay inay xiligaan magaalada Buuhoodle ku suganyihiin 1014-askari oo katirsan shaqaalaha dowladda Puntland oo ay ciidamadu qaybka yihiin.


Waxaa uu sheegay dhaqaalaha ay shaqalaahaasi soo geliyaan gobolka inuu yahay dhaqaalaha ugu badan ee soo gala bulshada, gacana ka gaysta horumarka shacabka.


Wasiirka oo la waydiiyay inay wadahadalo la yeelanayaan maamulka Khaatumo State ayuu ku jawaabay ” Waala soo dhoweynayaa wixii dambi gala oo dowladdu arintaaasi aad iyo aad ayay ugu gacan taagtay qaylo dheerdheer ahna waa ay kasoo saartay, ninkasta oo ujeeddo wato ama shisheeyuhu uu duufsday waa loo yeerayaa gogoshana way taalaa ilaa iyo laba kun iyo sagaalkii gogoshu waa ay furantahay cid kastana waa lasoo dhoweynayaa wixii dembi galana waa cafis dowladana horay way u cafiday, hadeerno wali cafiska waa uu u furanyahay” ayuu yiri wasiirka kalluumaysiga Puntland oo sheegay Ciidamada Puntland inay shacabka Buuhoodle iyo Sool ka taageertay dagaalkii ay la galeen ciidamada Somaliland





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Khatumo officials are restrained by the following constitution article


Article 3 Territory, Borders and Its Inviolability and Sacredness


Section 1


The territorial sovereignty of Puntland shall extend to: East Region of Bari, Nugal, Sool, South Togdher (Buhodle District), Mudug except the Districts of Hobyo and Haradhere and Sanag Region except the District of El-Afweyn and Northeast of Erigavo District.


Section 2


The Puntland Regional State borders are those they had previously with the regions and districts of Somali Republic before the Somali Civil War. The unity of Puntland is sacred and inviolable; land territory, territorial sea and the air space.


So please stop the games Khatumo. There is an official and ratified by popular suffage constution in puntland.

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Relentless;822694 wrote:
and you try and tell me these people are normal.....hahahahaha:D

:confused: whose telling you they're not normal and more importantly, who are these people :confused::confused:

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