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Free somaliland King toothless afweyne

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Waxaa maanta magaalada Hargeysa ka furantay Maxkamadeynta Boqor Cusmaan Aw Maxamuud Buur-Madow oo mudo 40 cisho ka hor laga qabtay Garoonka diyaaaradaha Hargeysa xili uu soo dagayay.


Dhageysiga dacwada loo heysto Boqor Buur Madow ayaa saakay ka bilaabatay Maxkamadda Gobolka Hargeysa, iyadoo laga hor aqriyay eedeymaha lagu soo oogay Boqor Buur-Madow oo ay ka mid ahaayeen inuu qal qal gelinayay nabadgelyada, iska hor keen shacabka iyo Hey’adahana Dowladda iyo eedeymo kale oo ka dhan ah maamulka Somaliland.


Gudoomiyaha Maxkamada Gobolka Hargeysa C/rashiid Duraan ayaa aqriyay eedeyntii loo jeediyay Boqorka oo ay ugu weyneyd barobagaan dhinaca nabadgelyada ah oo la sheegay inuu ka dhex abuurayay shacabka Somaliland, waxayna arintaasi dood iyo buuq fara badan ka dhex dhalisay Qareenadii difaacayay Eedeysanaha iyo Xeer Ilaalinta.


Dood kulul oo ku sigatay gacan ka hadal ayaa dhex martay qareenadii u doodayay iyo xeer ilaalinta ayaa sababtay in dib loo dhigo dacwadiisa, dibna loogu celiyo xabsigii uu ku jiray.


Maamulka Somaliland ayaa eedeymo iyo cambaareyn uga imaaneysay hey’addaha u dooda xaquuqdda aadanaha, iyadoo lagu eedeeyay ineysan maxkamad soo taagin dad uu ka mid yahay Boqor Buur-Madow iyo shaqsiyaad kale oo loo xeray arrimo Siyaasadeed.

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Sadly, the courts of law seem to be one of the weakest areas in SL and need urgent work. If the King is innocent, I truly hope justice prevails and he's let out.

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^^ Dee that's to be proven in the court case (hopefully). But from what I read, they don't really seem to have a strong case.

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