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Say something you love about the Somali's

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We hear or know many negative charateristics of our people. But sometimes we tend to forget what we like or love about our people. What draws us to other Somali's in foreign lands Or online?What makes us unique?What distuingishes us from other people? What makes us proud of being Somali? What makes us smile about Somali's?


What do you like or love about Somali people?

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Wyre, Somali's are funny and hilarious.


Sometimes I haven't laughed for days, as soon as I see the first Somali I can smile and laugh with them like with no other peoples. Even if I don't know them, we laugh together. Just look at us here in SOL and all the funny stories. Caadi maaha walee.

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♥ We're the most beautiful people on earth (MashaAllah)


♥ We have zero tolerance for bull, and we're very open honest people for better or worse.


♥ We're all very multicultural and speak several languages, so the world is basically our oyster.


♥ We're brave, put us in any hardship, suffering, we always come out on top.


♥ We're full of spunk attitude, swag, but we know how be maskiin in front of our parents when they talk:p


♥ We got connexions world wide, ever wanted to tour around china, hmm..I bet you got an uncle there waiting lol


♥ We're stubborn and determined we don't take 'no' for an answer, we go after what we want'.


♥ Having many brothers and sisters= you hardly ever broke. :P lol

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Believe me, I've seen somali's from the worst side,

I was born in Somalia but grew up in Kenya In 2001 Kalmad somali ma aqaan And now kuwi kusoo koray somalia anigaa qaar ka badiya

2001 ki ayaan xamar tegay, what I found there, Liars, cheaters Haters and killers, Nothing else, I tried to create friends but most of them, Or say it All of them daneysteyaal bey ahaayeen... I don't like somali peoples



Except kuwa SOL ku jiro

Iyagu kuma jiraan kuwa xun xun :D:D

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wyre;822575 wrote:


Except kuwa SOL ku jiro

Iyagu kuma jiraan kuwa xun xun

Then tell us kuwa SOL maxaa ku jeceshahay?

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Nin isfaanshay waa ri' isnuugtay isla Soomaalideena hore ugu maahmaahdee, laakiin here it goes nonetheless:


  • The ability Soomaalinimada isku garano. I don't think there is any other ethnic or community on this Earth la dhihi karo waa dadkaas. But see a Soomaali, dadka badankooda wey sheegi karaan qofkaas in uu Soomaali yahay, anagana isla markii waa isgaran karnaa.
  • We don't have the word 'stranger' in our vocabulary. Qof Soomaali, waa Soomaalidii hore siiba, 'stranger' iskuma nihi. Soomaali hadduu yahay si stranger ulama dhaqmeysid, waana isaaminaa badankeena. No wonder our xawilaad companies and other joint business ventures purely works in trust as well.
  • Cuntadeena. I honestly believe best cunto inaa sameyno mar marka qaarkood, siiba bariiska aan cuno. Non-Soomaalis can attest to that, markee dhadhamiyaan cunto Soomaaliyeed yaababa macaankeeda.
  • Quruxda iyo qaayaha dumarkeena. Quruxdooda mar mar waxaaba isdhaheysaa out of the world species miyaa oo wax kale maa laga soo uumay. Eebbe mahadiis waaye.
  • Soomaalinimo. It is the reason that we have no 'strangerness' to one another in our culture. It is because of Soomaalinimo.

Intaas ha inoo joogto.

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^^ Adina bajiye, canjeero iyo kirishoomirish lee sheeg, war waxas cunto ma ahan, waligaa ma cuntey book la jarjarey oo dabka la saarey with boiling water, then saxan ma laguugu shubey, maalin dhaweed la igu casuumey, out of respect, I finished the saxan, and was told in la ii soo biiso, there was something delicious about the food, I told them, yes please, ceeb aa ka dhacdey hee, they couldn't find another book to cook, so was waiting and waiting until la ii sheegay muraadkii la iga lahaa.

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wyre;822575 wrote:
Believe me, I've seen somali's from the worst side,

I was born in Somalia but grew up in Kenya In 2001 Kalmad somali ma aqaan And now kuwi kusoo koray somalia anigaa qaar ka badiya

2001 ki ayaan xamar tegay, what I found there, Liars, cheaters Haters and killers, Nothing else, I tried to create friends but most of them, Or say it All of them daneysteyaal bey ahaayeen... I don't like somali peoples



Except kuwa SOL ku jiro

Iyagu kuma jiraan kuwa xun xun

I never thought I'd be saying this but you're right!

Too much xassad, waxna isuma quudhaan.

The less contact one have with them, the better.

Many aspects of our culture is beautiful & admirable, I just cant say the same thing about many of our people.


But there are things that I like, which is:

- they help eachother out during calamities/difficulties.

- they cooperate when something important occurs despite their differences

- Respect for elders

- They are comedians

- Have an appropiate phrase/proverb for most occasions.

- That one can usually spot a somali from a far distant. Its something about the way they walk.

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hardships of last 30yrs made somalis different in many aspects.Poverty is the mother of jealousy,you find that in populous nations like india,egypt,nigeria,ethiopia etc.Otha than that somalis r very decent people and when they comfortable in life sooo sweet.Somali women are damn beautiful and cultured..they really do amaze me.

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Carafaat with a thread Worthy of contribution :cool:



One small unique, but fading Somali attribute that is admirable is hospitality for trying to pay meals for acquaintances or strangers at times. Just last week - I was stranded at Heath-row airport for hours and Somali dude who I have met there and myself were in dispute on who would pay for the tab after breakfast. One by-standard thought there was some sort of altercation...

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