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Xaaji Xunjuf

Galmudug state of Somalia is expanding

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Galmudug oo soo bandhigtay qorsho lagu balaarinayo Maamulkaasi



Gaalkacyo: (Sh. M. Network) Maamulka Galmudug State ayaa soo bandhigay qorshe lagu ballaarinayo Maamulkaasi ka hor bisha August.


Gudoomiye ku xigeenka koowaad ee barlamanka Maamulka Galmudug Cooke Xaashi C/raxmaan oo la hadlayay Warbaahinta ayaa waxa uu sheegay inay socdaan qorshayaal la doonayo Maamulka Galmudug lagu gaarsiinayo gobolada dhexe ee dalka Soomaaliya, maadama sida uu tilmaamay magaca Galmudug uu kulmiyo gobolada Mudug iyo Galgaduud ee bartamaha Soomaaliya.


Gudoomiyaha ayaa shegay in iminka ay kullamo la leeyihiin siyaasiyiin, waxgarad iyo Culumaa’udiin kasoo jeeda gobolada dhexe ee dalka Soomaaliya islamarkaana ay ka wada hadalayaa sidii loo gaarsiin lahaa gobolada dhexe Maamulka Galmudug ka hor bisha August oo dhacaysa doorashada Maamulka Galmudug.


Cooke Xaashi ayaa waxa uu sheegay in beelaha daga gobolka Galgaduud ee bartamaha Soomaaliya ay isku afgarteen in Maamulka la gaarsiiyo gobolada dhexe ee Soomaaliya.


Hadalkaani ayaa waxa uu imaanayaa xilli deegaannada Maamulka Galmudug loogu diyaar garoobayo doorashada Madaxtinimo ee Maamulkaasi, maadaama uu xilka kasii dhamaanayo Madaxweynaha Maamulka Max’ed Axmed Caalin.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;822467 wrote:
^ Their capital is galkacyo

If it was they'd control the city including its infrastructure like airport and checkpoints. :D


I wonder why they don't...

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Somalia;822468 wrote:
If it was they'd control the city including its infrastructure like airport and checkpoints.


I wonder why they don't...

lol...Somalia, ma qax baad haddana u xiistay...Nabadaa naas la nuugo leh.:D

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Abwaan;822471 wrote:
lol...Somalia, ma qax baad haddana u xiistay...Nabadaa naas la nuugo leh.

Are you from Galkacyo as well, like General Duke you don't like my comments regarding the city do you? :D


I should stop :cool:

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..maadama sida uu tilmaamay magaca Galmudug uu kulmiyo gobolada Mudug iyo Galgaduud ..

This is troubling since expansion south means wiping Ximan & Xeeb off the map which will not be accepted by them. This has been tried by Galmudug several times before and it ended up on bloody clan wars in Galinsoor, Hobyo and xarardheer.


Not a good idea.

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Taleexi;822487 wrote:
It is not a bad thing if Galmudug expands within an agreed principles with regards to relevant parties.

how could that be good?. expansion mean stepping on puntland's toe or Ximan&Xeeb's. A recipient for unrest.

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Do you have problem deciphering the written word? :) I said " withing an agreed principles with regards to relevant parties" I mean if Ximan & Xeeb iyo Galgaduud u arkaan to unite with Galmudug I see no problem with that....

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Taleexi;822494 wrote:
Do you have problem deciphering the written word?
I said " withing an agreed principles with regards to relevant parties" I mean if Ximan & Xeeb iyo Galgaduud u arkaan to unite with Galmudug I see no problem with that....

Then you don't call that expansion, but its called "MERGE".

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Dr osman why would the Prime Minister of Somalia want to live in some meel qalalan oo kuleyl badan oo dad gubtay ku noolyihin.While Mogadishu's weather is very tropical oo wa meel aad u hawo wanaagsan.

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