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Puntland Traffic Inspectors Begins Enforcing Road Tolls In Garowe.

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GAROOWE : Canshuurta Baabuurta oo si xoogan u socota


April 23, 2012 11:13 am GMT - Written by Editor - Edited by Editor


Garoowe:-Waxaa si xawli ah u socda qaadida canshuurta baabuurta kala duwan iyada oo la xaraynayo baabuurkii aan cashuurnayn.


Canshuurta la qaadayo iminka oo ah mid 3 bilood ah ayaa gaari kasta laga doonayaa in uu baxsho, waxaana ciidanka canshuuraha ay jidgooyo dhigteen wadada laamiga ah meesha kaga beegan Wasaaradda Hawlaha Guud iyo Gaadiidka halkaasi oo lagu canshuurtan lagu qaado.


Canshuurta, ayaa iminka loo qaadaa hab casri ah iyada oo si fudud loo ogaado gaariga aan canshuurnayn iyo inta lagu leeyahay.


Baabuurta, ayaa aad iyo aad ugu soo badanaya Puntland waxaana soo daga sanadkasta dhawr kun oo baabuur oo u badan baabuurta yaryar ee raaxadda, waxayna inta diiwaan gashan oo aysan ku jirin baabuurta ku callaamadaysan GD ee Dawladda leedahay marayaan 31,000.

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Does your cities have such effective road systems in place? driver licenses, traffic inspectors, toll booths? if so please provide your evidences if you don't then ask yourself why!!!! Because Puntland does

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Get in here carafaat. Sxb you will drive through Puntland with your Puntland International License, Passing Toll booths who only take payment from you once every 3 months using highly advanced technology. You will see road-signs and give way signs, bus stops, and all the the amenities of a mature road network. Hell you even will see 31000 government owned vehicles with their own Puntland Govt number plating. I want you to ask yourself something, why not make this state known as the "state on the move" as your HOME?

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Dr_Osman;822022 wrote:
Get in here carafaat. Sxb you will drive through Puntland with your Puntland International License, Passing Toll booths who only take payment from you once every 3 months using highly advanced technology. You will see road-signs and give way signs, bus stops, and all the the amenities of a mature road network. Hell you even will see 31000 government owned vehicles with their own Puntland Govt number plating. I want you to ask yourself something, why not make this state known as the "state on the move" as your HOME?



In the summer of 2000 on my first visit to Hargeysa, I was driving the car of a cousin. We were pulled aside by traffic police between Berbera and Hargeysa and our car was taken away for not paying road tax by the traffic Police. I didnt speak any Somali back then, I was a dhaqan celis like our friend Alpha here. Only think I could say to the Policen was, " aniga reer......, so celi baaburka". And eventhough they understood that I was telling them my clan and they were dealing with a laandheer, the traffic police showed no mercy.


That was 12 years ago!:D
















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Last time I was there, few traffic lights were being developed in some streets, not sure if they have being finished.



Diktoore, that is not a toll, that is isbaaro to me, yes, there are few tolls there but they don't look like that, shame on you Diktoore for showing us isbaaro pictures, next, I will show you the real Garowe toll and traffic light systems.


Maanta ma jaad baarixi ah ayaad soo cuntey, ufff

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cowards look at your somaliland inventions



Sooooooo advanced


Even high school kids can create better



Hargeisa 2012



Galkayo 2012



Carafaat. 12 years behind? if you think your ahead of Puntland then riyo baad ku jirta sxb. The only thing you lead in was democracy thats it. That came not because of you but because you surrounded by peaceful neighbours. Puntland is surrounded by Hostile enemies and still has developed and maintained it's peace.


Plus carafaat how can puntland be 12 years behind when we are laying pipelines to oil storage facilities in bosaso? wax surta gal ba la sheega

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Puntland are conservative state and Bosaso is like new york manhattan hustle and bustle. Somaliland is like Las Vegas. Jaad, Women, Crazyness. Mogadishu is like california relaxed and laid back and more liberal minded

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Carafat always start his posts "when i was or visited there & there or met so & so in Ulan Bator" dude it's obvious you never been anywhere back home;)

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Carafaat;822026 wrote:


In the summer of 2000 on my first visit to Hargeysa, I was driving the car of a cousin. We were pulled aside by traffic police between Berbera and Hargeysa and our car was taken away for not paying road tax by the traffic Police. I didnt speak any Somali back then, I was a dhaqan celis like our friend Alpha here. Only think I could say to the Policen was, " aniga reer......, so celi baaburka". And eventhough they understood that I was telling them my clan and they were dealing with a laandheer, the traffic police showed no mercy.


That was 12 years ago!
















Dr.Osman, show us your Puntland Lisence plate's? they are not even mentioned here



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