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Bosasso, most cosmopolitan City of Somalia

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Dr.Osman,I would do that. But I don't know how many royalty the city could handle.:D

After Muqdisho, Bosasso would definetly be my 2nd choice.when peace returns Marka would be my 3rd choice, I like coastal cities.


Business wise it would be my nr.1 choice. Nowhere else where you have an open business culture, free competition, reliable and trustworthy entrepreneurs. Somaliland is dominated by monopolies, kartels, prize fixing, it could learn one or two from Puntland.


I said it before, if Somaliland is serieuz about creating an health economy and business enviroment, it should hire couple of consultans from Bari. But what you expect from people who's regard Djibouti as an example, country dominated by couple corrupt businessman and Omer Guelleh.

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Mukulaalow;821603 wrote:
Carafaat; So Bosaso without the
would be nothing hah? Waryee dotoore ninka iska dhici.

That's not what I meant. :D But I was positively suprised to tell you the truth, it was one year after Las Anod debacle. I thought maybe someone would be angry, I would be obducted and exchange for Prisoners of War. I would be a high prize target. :D


War meesha waxaan ku arkay duriyada oo ku bashaalisa. All complaining about SL, taxes,UDUB and bragging how much money they earn there.

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Jacaylbaro;821614 wrote:
Didn't know you can hire Pirate consultants ... No, we simply arrest them

This is exactly the diffrence between Berbera Qowdhan and Bosasso cosmopolitan mentality. :D


War reer magal iska dhig and let those prisoners go, and cash in some rantsom.

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Carafaat;821618 wrote:

War meesha waxaan ku arkay duriyada oo ku bashaalisa. All complaining about SL, taxes,UDUB and bragging how much money they earn there.

Land of opportunities.;)


I never been to puntland or SL, but I am planning this summer to start from the mighty Mogadishu, then fly to Galkacyo, drive all the way to Garowe, Bosaso, Burco and end up in Ambassador Hotel Hargeysa. That is my summer road map. and it has nothing to do with Mahiga's.;)

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That is an awesome road trip sxb. I have some good accomodation and bashaal tips in most of those cities. Don't forget to visit Borama and make sure you stay in Rays Hotel and make sure you stay on 2nd floor, stunning vieuw of mountains. Make sure you visit Qardho, between Garowe and Bosasso.


And when people ask you 'yaa tahay, kumaa tahay, ina ayo tahay,xaga kka jeeda' before they greet you proper. Don't tell them your name, tell them your clan! It's an innocent northern local custom. Compare it when someone asks your xafad in Xamar, very innocent and mean well. Nothing hostile. :D

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Carafaat;821625 wrote:

And when people ask you 'yaa tahay, kumaa tahay, ina ayo tahay,xaga kka jeeda' before they greet you proper. Don't tell them your name, tell them your clan! It's an innocent northern local custom. Compare it when someone asks your xafad in Xamar, very innocent and mean well. Nothing hostile.

are you sure that is safe, or shall I tell them the abtirsi of the local clan.

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Carafaat;821586 wrote:
Too my suprise I came even acroos a whole section with hotels, restaurants, businesses and shops owned by the duriyada folks. Never exptected that walee. Almost felt like Dubai.


LOool @ Carafaat, war bahasha maad naga daysid, magaranayo wixi iga danbeeyay balse Duriyadu waa joogeen meesha laakiin sidaa ma ahayne waxay lahaayeen Garaashyo iyo mekanics iyo meelaha baabuurta lagu dhaqo. Dhawr jeer baaburka iga halaabay ayaan ugayn jiray marmarna waan kasii dhaqan jiray, rag fiicanoo sifiican ukaftamoo soo xamaali doontay ayay ahaayeen, waliba iyaga iyo waxaa isku dhaxjiray AT&T's 'big feet' boys oo kawada shaqaysan jiray, and they were making good money which was really good.


Its true, If anything Bosaso is famous for and leads over any other Somali city, is Business and Entrepreneurship, it offers open market and opportunities that makes any willing, talented and business minded individual to go from rugs to riches in just few years.

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Carafat, I think we should take all the SOL hermits and dulis on a road-trip through Baraxlay :D


Galmudug State



My god the presidential palace is looking nice

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Qandalawi even IDPS are getting paid in the city opening up businesses, hotels, properties. Remember this IDP below



Its a city where dreams come true. It's a city that hustles!!! Everyone is free in Bosaso and peace exists and laws are there to protect people and their investments. Bosaso was built by hustlers for hustlers and hustlers dont have to just come from Puntland they can come from anywhere in Somalia or the world. There is even foreigners like asians, africans, etc hustlin in Bosaso. If your hungry my friend go to Bosaso it provides the playground and conditions for you to become a success story

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Qandalawi;821628 wrote:
LOool @ Carafaat, war bahasha maad naga daysid, magaranayo wixi iga danbeeyay balse Duriyadu waa joogeen meesha laakiin sidaa ma ahayne waxay lahaayeen Garaashyo iyo mekanics iyo meelaha baabuurta lagu dhaqo. Dhawr jeer baaburka iga halaabay ayaan ugayn jiray marmarna waan kasii dhaqan jiray, rag fiicanoo sifiican ukaftamoo soo xamaali doontay ayay ahaayeen, waliba iyaga iyo waxaa isku dhaxjiray AT&T's 'big feet' boys oo kawada shaqaysan jiray, and they were making good money which was really good.


Its true, If anything Bosaso is famous for and leads over any other Somali city, is Business and Entrepreneurship, it offers open market and opportunities that makes any willing, talented and business minded individual to go from rugs to riches in just few years.


Qandalawi, Somalilanders in Bosaso have their own neighbourhood/district called "Zone Hargeisa". There's even a hotel called "Somaliland Hotel". I am not sure about reer Qandala having their own district, but Duriyada for sure has bigger presence then Qandala folks in Bosasso.

If you don't belief me, ask Dr.Osman or google it. :D

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I am not sure about reer Qandala having their own district, but Duriyada for sure has bigger presence then Qandala folks in Bosasso.

Carafaat you joking, I heard the folks from Qandala are the native Bosasians, and they own half of the city, as well as all sea transportation. I have many friends from Carmo and Qandala and they tell me they are the masters of Bosaso.

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^Lool, reer Qandala walwal kama qabaan inaanayn Bosaso iska lahayn wayna kuqanacsanyihiin usheeg sxb :D


^Lol @ Carafaat, waryaa you are right, Reer Qandala don't have neighborhoods, saying they do is an oxymoron statement in itself, its like saying Americans have neighborhoods in New York or Washington. As for Duriyada, you are right they have Businesses and live in Bosaso. All Somalis live there.


Dr. Osman, you are right bro, the IDPs work in Bosaso and make a great deal of money, high salaries and accumulate thousands of dollars in just few months of work but unfortunately most of them use that money to migrate via the dodgy boats to Yemen and Saudi Arabia, only to get in a trap face harsh conditions and abuse by the Arabs that's if they escape the extreme high seas waves. The picture you posted is one of few individual that chose to stay and is reaping the profits. They should stay in their own country, Bosaso needs them as much as they need it and it offers them good opportunities.

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