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Bosasso, most cosmopolitan City of Somalia

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Bosasso is the most divers, most cosmopolitan and most entrepreunial City of Somalia. It literarly grew out from a small port village to the most thriving Gateway of Somalia. This city, its people and its open culture have so much more potential to contribute to Somalia, it could well even become the Dubai of East Africa. With the right political direction I see a great future for this city. I mean that saxibayaaal. I have been there in 2008 and spend there a complete month, I know what I am talking about. Too my suprise I came even acroos a whole section with hotels, restaurants, businesses and shops owned by the duriyada folks. Never exptected that walee. Almost felt like Dubai.




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Dr.Osman, I even went to Qardho. Its a nice city, high altitude with a cool breaze, I passed by Carmo as well. I was there for work sxb, but decided to stay longer, spend there ramadan and learnt about boqorada. :D



Nuune, I like Faroole, but not all of his policies though. And No, I have not been laalushed. I made it clear what I don't agree with, its time to emphasize what we do agree upon and what I do like about Puntland.

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Carafaat in Bosaso









Carafaat doing some shopping



Enjoying some Latte



Carafaat stuck in the downtown jungle



Carafaat watching the city under development while sipping on coffee doing fadhi ku dirir


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Dr.Osman, do you have a picture of Hotel 5star?


And how is the hotel/restaurant called when you just enter the town on your right side? With all the green tree's, looks like a trobical green jungle?

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Rudy wuxu mooda in Bosaso manta ay weli tahay 1990. Bosaso tanaaday niyahow catch up!!!! And the great thing about it is, it is still hasn't reached its peak period because diaspora uma soo jeesan dhulka sidi laga rabay plus oil hasn't started flowing. The best of Bosaso is still to come that is what makes me soooooooo excited.


I mean c'mon lets be realistic in Bosaso we can talk about development occuring, developments cancelled, or developments lost in translation because the KEY THING is we HAVE DEVELOPMENT to speak about!!! where-as you guys are stuck with no progress so what is there to debate

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Dr_Osman;821595 wrote:

Carafaat watching the city under development while sipping on coffee doing fadhi ku dirir


Wallahi, I did some fadhikudiri with some Galkacyo boys, having thee outside in the evening. Dr.Osman, guess 3 times cidaan ku tufinay. :D

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I came even acroos a whole section with hotels, restaurants, businesses and shops owned by the duriyada folks.

Carafaat; So Bosaso without the Duridada would be nothing hah? Waryee dotoore ninka iska dhici.;)

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There are some somalilanders who live, work, and have businesses in Bosaso just like any other clan. But everyone in the city knows where they are, waa xarunta boqortoyada!!!

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