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Puntland Election thread

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Take Somaliland for example, it now has several parties. Does anybody know what they represent, I highly doubt it. It's just a matter of who the leader of this and that party is. That is a silly and ****** reason to have a party.

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Naxar Nugaaleed;821475 wrote:
I'm afraid I will have to disagree with you, no you cannot have your own democracy. The very basic meaning of democracy is that the people be involved somehow either themselves or the representatives that they have elected. As far as party we seem to have a perverse understanding of that as well. Parties with percent ideologies such as conservative and liberal, secular or moderate or Socialist and so on. Parties are not Mintora percent clans or states. I don't know how they do things in India but if that's how they do it they're just as crazy as Somalis.

since you are neither expert nor have a background in political science, let me help you here; democracy is in the eye of the be holder. in other words, democracy is as unique as the people using it. therefore, this is not about my opinion versus yours. rather accepting an undisputed fact.

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Two things, one I do have a background in political science and two? A democracy is not in the eye of the beholder, that would be beauty. There are many systems of government but a democraticy requires the involvement of the people at some level. I have already told you some of the different types democracies. The system in place in Puntland is just not one of them at the moment. It is my hope that they move towards that. It's also my hope that they correct their misunderstanding of federalism. At the end of the day, if the objective is not for a return to a functioning Somali state be it a federal or a unitary one, then there no reason for all this talk about secessionist. The autonomy from InVision in Portland basically amounts to the same with its own standing army, currency, flags, a Constitution that supercedes the national one and everything of that sort.

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for someone masquerading as a political scientist, you sure have a weird way of comprehending the current situation of somalia. at the moment, somalia is at the critical moment of transition albeit lasting 20 plus years. according to political science, the most dangerous time in a country is the point of transition, during this period, the country experiences political instability, lack of functioning institutions, and most importantly of transition, violence. unfortunately, somalia has been experiencing this political transition for well over 20 years and as a result, people developed a mindset/culture of doing things for themselves. so, for PL to create a constitution and use its existing institutions for the near future is not a sign of secession, rather PL accepting the enviable; somalia is not ready to have a function government for the people and by the people.


p.s. one more point, your rant of PL understanding of democracy is not relevant, because the people of PL have spoken and continue to support their state and her future endeavors. :o

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you display us much comprehension of the situation in Somalia as you do logic in your arguments. What does any of the things that you have said have to do with what we were talking about. Absolutely nothing. I am not masquerading as anything, it is you that just made a foolish assumption about someone you don't even know. PS you have absolutely no clue what the opinion of the people of Puntland. How did you acertain such such a fact. Did you conduct a poll, did you call ten percent of the people in Puntland or are you throwing around made up facts as usual.

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Naxar Nugaaleed;821501 wrote:
you display us much comprehension of the situation in Somalia as you do logic in your arguments. What does any of the things that you have said have to do with what we were talking about. Absolutely nothing. I am not masquerading as anything, it is you that just made a foolish assumption about someone you don't even know. PS you have absolutely no clue what the opinion of the people of Puntland. How did you acertain such such a fact. Did you conduct a poll, did you call ten percent of the people in Puntland or are you throwing around made up facts as usual.

you have proven my initial doubts of your alleged claim of being a political scientist. fadlan, next time claim a profession you're good at.

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Naxar, you made some good points. Puntland as a regional administratio based on the borders of Bari and Nugaal rather then sub clan borders could work, people in those regions would have a greater say and would get better service delivery and better security. But that Puntland is what many clan traders oppose, like our friend Duke here. But that they will loose governance once there is peace is based on service delivery rathern then clan loyalty which is important in times on chaos and instability.

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Moonligth, please update us here on the coming January elections.


p.s. Gablax said the election will happen in January like agreed.

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Carafaat;854352 wrote:

Moonligth, please update us here on the coming January elections.


p.s. Gablax said the election will happen in January like agreed.

The current admin got one year ext automatically since the constitution was approved and most elders agreed, its only few opportunistic politicians such as Gen Samatar who oppose it, but its certain we won't have elections in this january.

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