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Let's talk about the 2012 US presidential election

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I think it will be an easy 2nd term for Obama, not because he is popular, but because of his opponent, Romney doesn't even have the full support of the southerns or the (bible belt states) because of his Mormon religion which many born again southerns don't approve. Gingrich would've been more dangerous for Obama.

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The religious south may not like Romney but when given a choice between Obama and Romney who do you think they'll rather have? Its clearly Romney. Obama may well be the most unpopular president in modern history going for re-election. On the other hand Romney represents the privileged class of the US and is disconnected from women voters. One thing's for sure, this race will be a very close race..get your popcorn's ready?

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It won't be easy for him unless the economy recovers overnight and gas prices go back to 2 bucks. If anything, this election will be close. It is all on the swing states, women and the independent votes.


With endless Superpac funding, this election will be a record spending. Romney will make this election about Obama and a referendum on Obama and his economic policies. Expect dems to use things like Arizona anti-immigration law, Florida's stand your ground law, women rights to hurt Romney from getting latino and women vote. With the current political discourse and the growing division of the parties, it'll definitely be interesting election to watch, especially the debates. Can't wait to see Obama debate Romney.

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AfricaOwn;821400 wrote:
^^ I highly doubt that, especially when some are speculating Romney will pick Rob Portman as his running mate.

The only thing the Obama campaign has to do is tie him with the rich, highlight his flip-flopping and the fact that he funnelled money to offshore accounts.


Romney won't get the Latino vote where Obama will promise for reform regarding immigration (rightly or wrongly), he won't get 90% of the black vote, he might pick up votes with the evangelists but that's all.


Obama is a bad choice but Romney is worse. It will be a landslide, you'll see.

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I agree with Jacpher, this will be an interesting election, with a Billion or so dollars being used to campaign. The Black man seeking a second term and competing with the Mormon moderate who is pretending to be a conservative.


Africaown, what is so special about Rob Portman, I thought he was going for Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota?

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^^ The bottom-line is the state of the economy. Obama's economic stimulus has failed and Romney and his team will exploit that. The other bs variables on the side like race, religious and social issues and the flip -flopping of romney will be just fun to watch, but real Americans don't give a.... about that.

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General Duke;821407 wrote:
I agree with Jacpher, this will be an interesting election, with a Billion or so dollars being used to campaign. The Black man seeking a second term and competing with the Mormon moderate who is pretending to be a conservative.


Africaown, what is so special about Rob Portman, I thought he was going for Tim Pawlenty of Minnesota?

Portman is well respected with really good track record that includes executive experience from Ohio ( swing state). He has consistently won his seat in ohio with high percentage.

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General Duke;821423 wrote:
Ohio is more important for the GOP than MN, that would make sense. What about Mark Rubio?

Like Bobby Jindal, Mark just isn't ready yet. I see them both as future GOP leaders.

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