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Wiil Cusub

Somaliland: 6 of the 15 new political groups have fulfilled registration

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HARGEISA (Somalilandsun) – Only 9 political groups will participate in forthcoming local council elections later this year.

This was revealed by the Political Parties Registration & Verification Committee-PPR&VC during a press conference in its Hargeisa offices where it announced that only 6 of the 15 new political groups have fulfilled all requirements for registration.

According to the PPR&VC the six political groups that fulfilled all requirements for official registration are WADANI, DALSAN, RAYS, UMMADDA, NASIYE and HAQSOOR.

These groups will now join the three national parties of UCID, Kulmiye and UDUB to contest for local council elections to held in the country soon.

After the local council elections the three top groups out of the contesting nine will be registered as the official political parties of the country in pursuant to the constitution which stipulates that there can only be three national political parties registered in the country at any one given time.

The groups that failed to meet the requirements for registration as political groups are NUUR, DAMAL, HORYAAL, NDP, BADBAADO, GURMAD, UDHIS, JAMHUURIGA and SSCD. The most shocking failure is that of the NDP which was the only prospective party led by a woman thus the political landscape is devoid of women leaders and therefore male dominated.

According to the chairman of the PPR&VC Mr. Abdirazak Omar Jama "Iyaale" the 9 groups that failed to meet requirements are now free to join any of the 6 groups that were approved or the three that existed prior to the exercise.

The decision by the PPR&VC was vehemently denounced by Ibrahim Dagaweyn the leader of UDHIS which was among the groups. The veteran freedom fighter said that the decision by the PPR&VC was unfair and did not reflect the facts as they stood, said he, "Let the PPR&VC be informed that we shall not accept their decision nor do we fear their masters who make decisions for the committee" Similar sentiments were expressed by HORYAAL.

The GUURTI house of elders had in the last few days raised fears of political misunderstandings erupting in the country when the PPR&VC announces it list of approved political groups. The elders had urged that the PPR&VC delay the announcement while it consults with the GUURTI thus establish a middle ground acceptable to all.

The lengthily verification process which saw the 15 groups and PPR&VC crisscross the country come to a close last this week after various groups held general assemblies to elect leaders. The PPR&VC final requirements that were utilized to approve or reject the 15 entailed that a political group must have:

1. 1000 registered members in each of the six regions of the country who must be,

a) Registered as voters by the National Electoral Commission.

b) Availed at the party's regional offices for a head count at regional party offices.

c) Produce their voters card during the head count

The registered party members head count will be undertaken from 18th to 30th March this year, and will kick off in Borame the Awdal regional capital.

In Sool region parties will be required to only prove that they have registered 20% of the required 1000. This is Pursuant to article 26 of the political groups and parties law, which provides for such an action after the PPR&VC is satisfied that prevalent status in the area are out of the expected.

2. Each party must hold its 1st General assembly- the GA must

a) elect/select Central committee, Executive committee, party leader

b) Have a party structure

c) Have a party constitution and political program

d) Provide the PPR&VC with an audio & visual proof of all component 2 requirements

A PPR&VC representative must be at each of the 17 political groups General assemblies that must be held from 15th March to 15th April 2012.

The groups were asked to ensure that they maintain law and order while conducting their activities,

According to the PPR&VC spokesperson Hasan Ahmed Dua'le the verification was conducted in a professional manner and despite condemnations the committee stands by its decisions. He urged the losers to join their winning compatriots and thus participate in elections.

The noises and condemnations emanating from the losers were expected and it now remains to be seen how far the noises go, in what form as well as whom else joins the fray.

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Interesting. Shame, I liked Jamaal. Ummaduu ka farxin lahaa.


Haye, bal Xaqsoor iyo Wadani maxay isla hayaan?

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Rayaale Iyo Ku Xigeenkiisa Oo La Sheegay Inay Isku Qanciyeen In Mar Kale Ay U Ordaan Madaxtinimada Dalka, Siyaasiyiin Miisaan Ku Leh UDUB Oo La Filayo Inay Ka Dhaqaaqaan Dhawaan


Hargeysa, April 19, 2012 (Haatuf) – Madaxwaynihii hore ee Somaliland iyo ku xigeenkiisii, isla markaana ah Guddoomiyaha iyo ku xigeenka xisbiga mucaaridka ah ee UDUB Daahir Rayaale Kaahin iyo Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin ayaa la sheegay inay ku heshiiyeen in mar 3-aad ay u ordaan Musharaxnimada Madaxwayne-nimo hadii xisbigoodu ka soo gudbo doorashadda golayaasha deegaanka ee dhawaan la filayo inay dalka ka qabsoonto.

Sida uu Wargeyska Haatuf uga xogwarantay Masuul ka tirsan xubnaha sarsare ee xisbiga UDUB, kaas oo ka cudurdaartay in magaciisa la shaaciyo, ayaa tilmaamay khilaaf mudo dhexmiranayey Rayaale ku xigeenkiisa ay ka heshiiyeen, isla markaana ay isku afgarteen inay muquuriyaan siyaasiyiinta Udub ee damacu kaga jiray inay xisbigaas iska soo dhex sharaxaan.

Sidoo kale Masuulkaas ayaa waxa uu intaas ku daray in tan iyo maalintii uu Daahir Rayaale laalay Musharaxnimadii golaha dhexe ee UDUB u doorteen Aqoonyahan Jamaal Cali Xuseen, isla markaana dad badani sheegeen inuu garabka saaray Wasiirkii hore ee duulista Cali Maxamed Warancade ee lagaga adkaaday tartankii Musharaxnimada ee xisbigaas dhexdiisa in mawqifkaasi isdalay ka dib markii lagula taliyey inay labadoodu mar 3-aad isa-soo sharaxaan Musharaxiinta Udub u tartami doonta Doorashada Madaxtooyada.

Dhinaca kale Masuulkan ayaa sheegay in Rajada kaliya ee Xisbiga UDUB uu u lahaa in bulshada reer Somaliland mar kale dib u soo doorataa ay ku jirtay oo kaliya Jamaal Cali Xuseen oo loo ogolaado inuu hogaamiyo xisbigaas, hadii kalese aanu ka soo bixi doonin doorashada golayaasha deegaanka ee dhawaan dalka ka qabsoomi doonta. Ugu horayna Masuulkaasi isaga oo ka hadlaya heshiiska Daahir Rayaale iyo Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin, waxa uu yidhi “Waxay ku heshiiyeen Daahir Rayaale iyo Axmed Yuusuf Yaasiin inay mar sadexaad u tartamaan Musharaxnimada xisbiga UDUB, waxaanay damacsan yihiin in doorashada deegaanka wixii ka danbeeya ay ku dhawaaqaan, sababta oo ah hadii ay imika ku dhawaaqaan damacoodaas Musharaxnimo cid ka aqbalaysaa ma jirto iyaguna kalidood waxba ma qabsanayaan”.

Isaga oo hadalkiisa sii watana, waxa uu yidhi “Jamaal imika wuu ka niyad jabay xisbiga UDUB, sababta oo ah isagu waxa uu doonayey inuu difaaco karaamada xisbigaasi ummadda reer Somaliland ku dhex leeyihiin, oo uu muujiyo inuu yahay xisbiga ugu wayn ee Somaliland ka jira. lacagtiisii waxyar oo la isticmaalay mooyaane intii badnayd wuu la baxay oo wax aan ka badnayn ilaa $70,000 ayaa laga isticmaalay oo uu inta ugu badana isaga ku baxday, intii kale wuu qaatay oo xisbiyada kale kii uu u arko inuu ummadda dani ugu jirto ayuu ka dhex ifi-doonaa”.

Masuulkan UDUB ka tirsani mar uu ka hadlayey rajada laga qabo in xisbigaasi uu mar danbe ka mid noqdo saddex xisbi qaran, waxa uu yidhi “Xisbiga UDUB rajada kaliya ee u banaan ee ummadu mar danbe ku aqbali karaysay waxa ay ahayd iyaga oo ogolaada Musharaxnimada Jamaal Cali Xuseen, sababta oo ah xisbigayagii kor ayuu u soo kacay markii uu Jamaal ku dhawaaqay inuu u tartamo jagada ugu saraysa xisbiga, taasise waxay u cuntami wayday Wasiiradii Rayaale ay iskugu dhawaayeen oo dhan, hadii ay xataa Wasiiradii Rayaale hogaanka UDUB loo dhiibo xisbigaasi ka mid noqon maayo saddex Xisbi ee tartanka doorashada deegaanka ku guulaysta”.

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*Blessed;821136 wrote:
Interesting. Shame, I liked Jamaal. Ummaduu ka farxin lahaa.


Haye, bal Xaqsoor iyo Wadani maxay isla hayaan?

Blessed Xaqay ino soorayaan Xaqsoor


Wadani is going as a speed train in Somaliland


Jamaal wu wanaagsan laha laakin siyaasadan udub ba walaan people advised him ka fagow adeerka Ahmed Yasin wa nin wax walaqay eeh but he didn't listen its better for him to join one of the other parties.

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Shame UDUB rajaddii ay lahayd inay dad cusub meesha keeto ayaa halkaa ku dhamaatay.

Almost sure that UDUB and UCID will lost their position one of this new organisation. Most likely Wadani and Nasiye or Xaqsoor will take their place.

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Haa dad cusub oo aqoon leh ayaa loo baahnaa, I think most people were a bit hesitant about these new groups as their policies are unknown but now have little choice..

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Xaaji Xunjuf;821137 wrote:
Rayaale Iyo Ku Xigeenkiisa Oo La Sheegay Inay Isku Qanciyeen In Mar Kale Ay U Ordaan Madaxtinimada Dalka, Siyaasiyiin Miisaan Ku Leh UDUB Oo La Filayo Inay Ka Dhaqaaqaan Dhawaan

Is Riyaale broke.........?

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Yo...We have registered our party there...its called DC--Daqan Cilis. Plz for vote for our party. We will provide you all with the synopsis of our party soon. Keep an eye for it. thnx

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rudy-Diiriye;821233 wrote:
Yo...We have registered our party there...its called DC--Daqan Cilis. Plz for vote for our party. We will provide you all with the synopsis of our party soon. Keep an eye for it. thnx

Rudy who did you choose as your Vice? I suggest my cousin Alpha Blondy. a black snoby britton and black african-american yo man, would make a hell of a team.:D

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