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Xaaji Xunjuf

Somaliland VS Somalia Doodwadaag Universal TV

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It's a good question, why does the secessionist region which calls itself Somaliland feel that the international community should step in and mediate before the talks have even begun?


Is this because they love their colonial masters?

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Somaliland and Somalia won't agree hellow Somalia its self doesn't agree how to rule their nation remember Kampala accord Djibouti Accord.

If there are talks in the near future between Somaliland and Somalia its wise that the international community mediates or else it wont work.

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How do you know they won't agree, they haven't even begun. You ran to your colonial masters, saying you were a British colony thus they should intervene.


And why do people from Somaliland brag that it will be held in London, if you are a free and independent country, why not hold it in your capital since it must be so peaceful?


It's very embarrassing to be honest.

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Somalia why didn't they talk the past 21 years this has nothing to do with English Italians or Europeans the fact is they wont agree it's because one part of the former dissolved Somali republic declared independence the other part disagrees.You can hold it in London Germany France united states where ever you like it doesn't matter we are still talking about the same topic we need a mediating factor.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;821031 wrote:
it doesn't matter we are still talking about the same topic we need a mediating factor.

So these are the preconditions? Foreign meddling and mediation, before any talks could resume? Why is that so important? Especially, in this day and age when there could be public forums, that could be televised in a transparent way?

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Xaaji Xunjuf;821031 wrote:
Somalia why didn't they talk the past 21 years this has nothing to do with English Italians or Europeans the fact is they wont agree it's because one part of the former dissolved Somali republic declared independence the other part disagrees.You can hold it in London Germany France united states where ever you like it doesn't matter we are still talking about the same topic we need a mediating factor.

But why prefer and brag about it being in London, why couldn't it be held in the supposed stable Somaliland, I mean you claim independence due to the failure in south Somalia, why not hold it in your backyard?


It's because you suffer from Stockholm syndrome, it's the same reason you've always had contempt for the eastern regions of British Somaliland, the fact that the monarchy never looked after you, but now it's time to align yourself with her but she still for 21 years isn't even looking at you.

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This is not about Britain the reason why it will be held in a western country its because we want it to be on a neutral ground a European country its not a conference Somaliland is hosting we want both sides to agree on this.

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Taleexi;821074 wrote:
One-sided discussion thus, a piece of sh-it
iga dheh

Indeed, I thought before I started listen since XX post it.. Laughing part is "Somaliland waxay haysataa nabad"...

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SpectaKooler;821040 wrote:
So these are the preconditions?
Foreign meddling and mediation
, before any talks could resume? Why is that so important?

AMISOM (Uganda, Burundi, Djibouti, Sierra Leone), Ethiopia, Kenya, America... etc. Foreign meddling is the way of the land, is it not ?

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Shinbir he wanted the Azania and Jubaland nadaaro talks Xogwaran Qabiil fadhi ku dirir tuulo hebel anaga leh tuulo hebel anaga leh mamuul lama dhisi karo:D

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