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Signs of Allah

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Miraculous Aubergine (1996 )

The home of Salim and Ruksana Patel, in Bolton, England, has recently been inundated with about 50 visitors a day, coming to see their miraculous aubergine. Mrs Patel foresaw the miracle in a dream after she'd bought the aubergine from their local shop. On slicing the vegetable in half, she saw that the seeds were formed in the Muslim symbol "Ya-Allah", meaning Allah exists. Mr Patel said: "I felt so excited I ran round to the priest and he confirmed that it was indeed a miracle." Abdulla Patel, priest of the local Masjide-Gosia mosque, said: "In all my 30 years as a priest, I have never witnessed anything like this. It is wonderful for the community, and for Salim ..." When the aubergine has been displayed for several weeks in the mosque it will be divided into small pieces and shared among the faithful.

(Source: Daily Mail, UK.

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^^ why the rolling eyes atheer don't ppl report such things all the time?

xageed qabatay baryahan? always enjoy reading your posts

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