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Shinbir Majabe

Alpha Group oo Howlgal aan caadi ahayn ka sameeyay Muqdisho

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Ciidammo si gaar ah u Tababarran oo ka tirsan dowladda Soomaaliya ayaa xalay howlgal ballaaran ka sameeyay degmooyin ka tirsan gobolka Banaadir, iyadoo dhan kale taliska Nabad Suggida qaranka gobolka Banaadir uu faah faahin ka bixiyay holwgalkaasi iyo sida uu u dhacay.


Ciidammada sida gaar ah u Tababarran ee loo yaqaanno Alfa-group ayaa xalay howlgal ballaaran ka fuliyay degmooyinka Yaaqshiiq, Warta-Nabadda iyo Dayniile, halkaasi oo lagu soo qab qabtay kooxo lagu tuhunsan yahay in ay ka tirsan yihiin Al-Shabaab.


Ciidammada Alfa-group oo ah ciidammada ku Qalabbeysan Qoryaha Casriga ah, isla markaana wajiga u xiran yahay ayaa howlgalkooda waxa uu ahaa abid kii ugu ballaarnaa ee laga sameeyo Muqdisho, taliyaha Nabad Suggidda gobolka Banaadir Khaliif Axmed Ereg ayaa warbaahinta u xaqiijiyay in howlgalkiii xalay ay sameeyeen ciidammada Alfa-group in uu ahaa ammar ka soo baxay guddiga amniga qaranka.


Waxa uu xusay in howlgalka uu si gaar ah uga dhacay xaafaddaha kala ah Xamar Jadiid, Wadda Warshadaha, Ifka Xalane, Gubta iyo xaafaddo kale, waxa uu intaa ku daray in lagu soo qab qabtay kooxo falal amni darro ah faraha kula jiray, isla markaana howlgalka uu sii socon doono.


Dhinaca kale taliyaha Nabad Suggidda gobolka Banaadir Khaliif Axmed Ereg ayaa hoosta ka xariiqay in howlgalladani ay yihiin kuwa is daba joog ah oo lagula dagaallamayo Al-Qaacidda iyo cid walba oo amni darro ka shaqeeneysa, isagoo intaa ku daray in Muqdisho dib dambe aysan uga dhicin doonin dil sharci darro ah.

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American-trained Alpha Group with Turkish Forces ride in the convoy ahead of Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan during his visit on August 19, 2011 in Mogadishu, Somalia.




Somali Alpha Group and Turkish security personnel ride on a pick-up truck during Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's arrival at Aden Abdulle International Airport in Somalia's capital Mogadishu, August 19, 2011.

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wtf is this!! same morons that were chased out of somalia in the 16 century by ahmed gurey are back....cuz of shiekh sharmo'o....woow!! deja vous all over again.

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Beer-Gaal;820946 wrote:
Mogadishu Version of PSA (Puntland Security Agency). Why Alpha group though , magac somali ah miyey waayeen ?

NSSA (National Security Service Agency) ayaa jiro oo u shaqeeyo sida PSA Puntland, laakiin kuwaan Alpha Group way ka duwan yihiin.

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rudy-Diiriye;820951 wrote:
wtf is this!! same morons that were chased out of somalia in the 16 century by ahmed gurey are back....cuz of shiekh sharmo'o....woow!! deja vous all over again.

what the h$ll are you talking about?

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Puntland has the strongest fighting force in Somalia according to the New York Times. And why do I care anyway, Alpha is part of Somalia.


Why call it Alpha though?

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Alpha means first or the vanguard, what your problem with a word.... muran iyo qajajac waligaa ka raadi. get something else to bug about plz.

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I didn't even raise the point when I made a comment. You just mad I proved you wrong about this and the Palestine comment, that's what I do on this forum.


Now exist this thread calmly.

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