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Some regions in Puntland receive heavy rainfall

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Roobabkii Guga Oo Puntland Ka Curtay


Roobabkii guga ayaa ka curtay qaar kamid ah deegaanada Puntland.


Goobaha uu roobku ka da’ayna waxaa kamid ah magaalada Qardho ee xarunta gobolka Karkaar.


Roobka oo mudo 1-saac ka badan socdey ayaa ah mid si weyn loogu diirsaday.


Deegaanada miyiga ah ee degmada Qardho ku xeeran iyo tuulooyinka hoos taga ayaa sidoo kale maanta roobkaas mahiigaanka ahi ku hooray.


Dhamaan wadooyinka magaalada ayaa ah kuwo ay biyuhu qul qulayaan, waxayna dadku isugu hanbalyeynayaan curashada roobabka guga.


Weriyaha Horseed Media ee degmada Qardho ayaa kusoo waramaya in roobka maanta Qardho ka da’ay uu yahay kii ugu xooganaa ee in mudo ah ku hoora.


Xilli roobaadka guga oo si aad ah loo sugayey ayaa kusoo beegmaya xilli qaybo kamid ah gobolada Karkaar iyo Bari ay abaaro darani ka jiraan.


Dhowaan ayeyna ahayd markii degmada Qardho laga dhigay dibad bax roob doon ah kaas oo ay dadku ilaah kaga baryayeen inuu raxmadiisa soo gaarsiiyo.

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Garowe(Puntlandi)–Heavy rain lashed some areas in Puntland on Thursday ,Puntlandi reported. Areas which received heavy rain included Qardho and Garowe .


The rain broke the hot spell which had griped Puntland for the past several weeks.

Garowe, the capital of Puntland on Thursday received first spring season rainfall .Heavy showers hit the capital city of Puntland and its surrounding areas .

It has not yet been recorded the extent of the rain by Puntland metro officials.


Meanwhile Heavy rain was reported in Qardho, the capital of Karkar Region. People in the area relieved after drought and host season preceded the rain..


Qardho’s receives rainfall with thunderstorm that resulted in several low-lying areas and roads getting submerged in water.


According to the Local people the rain seems very weighty comparing to previous rains .


While the rain continues, a throng of people was seen at different areas of Qardho where they were seen enjoying after a long spell of hot weather

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