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Che -Guevara

Swedish Minister of Culture celebrating with ”n*g*er cake

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^The so called artist claims to be speaking for the millions of 'genital mutilated black women of Africa' - what does he know about it - is the question. All he did was act ****** and more so self hating .. Sad to see a black man participating is this abhorrence.

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Malika;820302 wrote:
^The so called artist claims to be speaking for the millions of 'genital mutilated black women of Africa' - what does he know about it - is the question. All he did was act ****** and more so self hating .. Sad to see a black man participating is this abhorrence.

LOL - you're taking it a bit hard. He is a moron and this is in poor taste. But it is only a cake. FGM shouud be our battle - sadly most campaigns against it are sensationalized.

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Miskiin-Macruuf-Aqiyaar;820363 wrote:
So to Swedes, 'Africans' look like that miyaa.

This clip is from Denmark. Translation of the song reads:


I've seen a real negro man, his face was as black as a tar bucket... in the nose he had a big ring.



Racial humour is part of life in Scandinavia.

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