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Italian Government To Build Bosaso and Galkacyo Airports

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Dowladda Talyaaniga ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay dayactir ku sameyn doonto garoomada diyaaradaha ee magaalooyinka Bosaaso iyo Gaalkacyo.


Safiirka Talyaaniga ee u fadhiya Soomaaliya Andrei Marela oo shalay soo gaaray magaalada Muqdisho ayaa ugu horeyn ka hadlay wada hadalka la filaayo in uu dhexmaro Dowladda Federaalka iyo Somaliland.


Wuxuu sheegay in ay soo dhoweynayaan wada hadalka dhexmaraaya labada dhinac oo uu tilmaamay in uu u arko mid kamid ah qodobada xal u noqon kara xaaladda Soomaaliya.


Safiirka ayaa shaaca ka qaaday in ay dayactiri doonaan garoomada diyaaradaha ee magaalooyinka Bosaaso iyo Gaalkacyo balse ma uusan shaacin waqtiga ay bilaabi doonaan howlahaas.


Andrei Marela ayaanan sheegin in uu socdaal kusoo gaari doono degaanada Puntland balse warar hoose sheegaayan in uu dhowaan imaan doono kana la hadli doono masuuliyinta arrintaan.


Garoonka Bosaaso oo dhismihiisa wax yar u dhiman ayaa u baahan keliya in loo sameeyo terminal-ka iyo dhabaha ay diyaarada kusoo degto ama ku orodo markii ay duulayso.


Bosaso Press

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It always baffles me how these so called admins are unable to build 3 km tarmac runways, we just became a nation of beggars waiting someone else to do even simple things for us. Bosaso is a city which generates millions and have the capacity to build its tarmac runway, no need for italians or turks.

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xiimaaya;820097 wrote:
habar faadhida laagdin laa fududda

its just we are a nation of lazy beggars. we build the best villas for our selves, we drive the best 4x4s, but we can not build a runway. we need the spirit of "YES WE CAN" not habar fadhido lagdin lafududa, that's just submission attitude.

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i can expound on the reasons for a very long time. but basically in our somali/islamic culture, manual/craft/technical work is not valued as in other cultures, whichi is a shame because technology is solely responsible for this modern world. secondly it's a question of societal organization, some pples are able to pool together and cooperate for the general interest others can't.

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faarah22;820105 wrote:
i can expound on the reasons for a very long time. but basically in our somali/islamic culture, manual/craft/technical work is not valued as in other cultures, whichi is a shame because technology is solely responsible for this modern world. secondly it's a question of societal organization, some pples are able to pool together and cooperate for the general interest others can't.


I don't think its anything to do with Islamic culture, as Islam encouraged and respected craftsmen on its heyday, muslims were the rulers of the world for 100s of years technologically and creativity. But its got everything to do with our weird Somali culture which looks down to craftsmen and blacksmiths. Its a culture which promotes begging and demotes self sufficiency.

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mukulalow without sidetracking from the topic at hand, sxb this is well estabilished fact across the globe, with stark difference between communities living side by side. sikhs vs muslims in punjab, turks vs their christian neighbors, jews vs arabs before israel, maronites vs muslim lebanese,etc across all these situations, non muslims are richer and more skilled when compared to their muslim neighbors. it's not a new phenemenon, books have been written about it. anyways whatever it is one can not help but notice the total absence of any manual skills in our pple, fadhi ku dirir, tea drinking and doing rudimentary business is all they know. it could be that 2 lazy cultures have complemented each other.

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faarah22;820111 wrote:
mukulalow without sidetracking from the topic at hand, sxb this is well estabilished fact across the globe, with stark difference between communities living side by side. sikhs vs muslims in punjab, turks vs their christian neighbors, jews vs arabs before israel, maronites vs muslim lebanese,etc across all these situations, non muslims are richer and more skilled when compared to their muslim neighbors. it's not a new phenemenon, books have been written about it. anyways whatever it is one can not help but notice the total absence of any manual skills in our pple, fadhi ku dirir, tea drinking and doing rudimentary business is all they know. it could be that 2 lazy cultures have complemented each other.

Farah, I agree with you to some extent, I agree with you that the modern day muslims slipped through the net of development and technology, but my argument is that this decaying is not what Islam teaches us, Islam encourages us to be hard working, self sufficiency and creative, if muslims don't heed to this, then Allah promised that he will give this world to who ever works harder for, whether a muslim or a non muslim. Allah says in the Quran Surah Al-Imran; verse 145.

And whoever desires the reward of this world - We will give him thereof; and whoever desires the reward of the Hereafter - We will give him thereof. And we will reward the grateful..

. Its all about work, if you work for it you will get it.

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mukulalow with all due respect friend, that is an imaginary islam divorced from reality we have seen since the beginning of islam, and by the way christians don't follow the true christiantiy also, et al. even during the caliphates christians and jews dominated positions of skill, same with ottoman empire which freely used non muslim expertise for virtually all its needs. even in my own life i have seen some somali christians and they are really hardworking and a certain worldy nous that is absent in muslim somalis. the reasons i think are the ideals the religion imparts in you, for the most important one is the fatalism that all muslims have of we are dying anyway why try hard if you get my drift.

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faarah22;820119 wrote:
mukulalow with all due respect friend, that is an imaginary islam divorced from reality we have seen since the beginning of islam, and by the way christians don't follow the true christiantiy also, et al. even during the caliphates christians and jews dominated positions of skill, same with ottoman empire which freely used non muslim expertise for virtually all its needs. even in my own life i have seen some somali christians and they are really hardworking and a certain worldy nous that is absent in muslim somalis. the reasons i think are the ideals the religion imparts in you, for the most important one is the fatalism that all muslims have of we are dying anyway why try hard if you get my drift.

I strongly disagree with you here, you are trying somehow to re-write history. The early muslims history is not imaginary but a solid proven history and they achieved the un-imaginable in a matter of few centuries. When muslims were in their height, christian capitals like Paris and London were on dark ages. Muslims universities like Zaytuna of tunis, Al-azhar, of egypt, Esfahan of Iran, and many many universities were producing muslim scholars on chemistry, physics, maths, astronomy, medicine and architect. I wish you to visit The science museum of London, and you'll see what a mark early muslims left on the world as they enriched science and litriture.


This fatalism your talking about is non-sense, Islam tells us to work and work hard for this world and later life, The examples of the prophet PBUH tells us that he used to work and work hard, we believe your work is part of your fate, that is the real fatalism, not seat and watch.

here is a verse in the Quran where Allah is telling us to work. Surah Tawba-verse 105

And say, "Do [as you will], for Allah will see your deeds, and [so, will] His Messenger and the believers. And you will be returned to the Knower of the unseen and the witnessed, and He will inform you of what you used to do."

Just watch some of these videos about Islam in Europe and how it contributed to their civilisation.



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mukulalow fast talk is no substitute for reality and the hard truth my friend is ISLAMIC socities will forever remain impoverished in every sphere of life and their counterparts will leave them behind. supposed historical glory days will never help anyone. only a deep reflection will help these pple, and painful parting.

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