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Our Hypocoricy

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Salaam all

Well the past few weeks we have seen the great responce from all muslims with regards to the cartoon of our beloved Nabi (SCW) .. THE REACTION has been decisive against the producers of the cartoons and the country which it originated from ( Denmark ).


Well i wholly support the reaction and boycotting of all things Danish .. it also demonstraters our very own hypocorasy and how selective we are acting against such country.


HAVE you ever wondered why such Boycott or condemnation was never shown towards the greats emnemies of Islam .. mainly the US. How come we never boycotted and condenmed the Ameicans in the way we reacted to Denmark. Why did Suiadi Arabia not recall its Ambassodor when the US killed thounsands of Muslims in Iraq and Afghanistan ...

are we scared to act against the US AND its ALLIES.

and what would have been the reaction if this cartoons where ever published in the New York Times or Washington Post .. will their have been such an uproar .. will Saudis have dared recalled its ambasidor ...


This has shown that we muslims can act togethter and inflict a heavy loss to the enemy of Islam with the need for guns or Nuclear bombs .. it it worked against Denmark .. time will excersixe this power we have against the number one enemy .. but then we just Hpricote



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Hey, hypocrisy is the theme of our Times. Don't let it get to you. Muslims need to rise above it on a personal level first before anything can reflect on the Ummah or national level.

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Originally posted by Yahoo_UK:

HAVE you ever wondered why such Boycott or condemnation was never shown towards the greats emnemies of Islam .. mainly the US.

How is the US enemy of Islam?

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If you can't see that the U.S. is the enemy of Islam, then you're blind. They say they're imposing a "War on Terror", when actually all they do is attack Muslim countries. Have you not seen how they portray Muslims through their media? Have you not seen the Abu Ghraib prison pictures? Were those men who were tormented not muslim? Wallahi it's amazing how they say out in public, "Islam is a peaceful religion, it doesn't promote war." When behind closed doors, I can bet my life, they talk about how to destroy Islam and it's rising. Because Islam is the fastest growing religion, and that shows the TRUTH of ISLAM. Bottom line, the U.S. is against Islam.


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Originally posted by sonomadic_Somali:

If you can't see that the U.S. is the enemy of Islam, then you're blind.

I'm not blind. I looked long and hard at any substance behind the charge, "The US is enemy of Islam," and found it's merely nothing more than malarky.


Can you substantiate this charge? I have yet to see anyone do it. Be mindful that IF you are indeed able to show the US as enemy of Islam, you'll be the first person in human history to successfully diagnose internet persona BLIND.

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