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The CONSEQUENCE of PL Constitution

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Xaaji Xunjuf;819161 wrote:
Not gonna happen adeer the unity of Somalia is a must.

looool. Waxaan maqli jiray, aakhiro markey soo dhowdahay waxaa lagu gartaa, marka reer X ay geela dhacaan, reer Y ay ka celiyaan dhaca geela.;)


maanta waxaanu aragnay xaajigoo leh soomaali kala go'i meyso. iyo Kinkong oo leh waanu go'aynaa. ;)an upside down world.

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Mukulaalow;819168 wrote:
looool. Waxaan maqli jiray, aakhiro markey soo dhowdahay waxaa lagu gartaa, marka reer X ay geela dhacaan, reer Y ay ka celiyaan dhaca geela.


maanta waxaanu aragnay xaajigoo leh soomaali kala go'i meyso. iyo Kinkong oo leh waanu go'aynaa.
an upside down world.





wallahi, I laughed so hard. thanks Mukuloow, its really funny.

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Mukulaalow;819168 wrote:
looool. Waxaan maqli jiray, aakhiro markey soo dhowdahay waxaa lagu gartaa, marka reer X ay geela dhacaan, reer Y ay ka celiyaan dhaca geela.


maanta waxaanu aragnay xaajigoo leh soomaali kala go'i meyso. iyo Kinkong oo leh waanu go'aynaa.
an upside down world.

kitty, what? what did i say? plus you should be happy that i dedicated a thread to you. what's up son oh oops i mean kitty.

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you gotta love these so called puntlanders, i love them...they funny seriously funny. like xaji said The Somali Republic was created by two states Somaliland and Somalia not puntland therefore i support the territorial integrety of Somalia before unification. bbuwtland is dreaming and has no international validity or legal case to secede. :cool: We support Mugdisho's soverignty over the entire regions of BARI and NUGAAL exlcuding the hot air.

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Relentless;819538 wrote:
you gotta love these so called puntlanders, i love them....

I love them too wallahi, Somalia would be a boring place without Puntland. that is why I dont want them to seceed or have another passport/nationality or currency. we should have same currency, naionality and country. why seek indepedence, kingofkings?

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kingofkings;819157 wrote:
If mogadishu fails to get her act together come this August, PL will secede.

We could thank God you are in no position to do anything Somalidiidyaho.

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Carafaat;819542 wrote:
I love them too wallahi, Somalia would be a boring place without Puntland. that is why I dont want them to seceed or have another passport/nationality or currency. we should have same currency, naionality and country.
why seek indepedence, kingofkings?

because i don't want my tax money to pay for hermit mental issues. the way i see it, he's your problem. :D

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Che -Guevara;819545 wrote:
We could thank God you are in no position to do anything Somalidiidyaho.

this is rich coming from the i support terrorists guy. why hasn't cia and other world agencies fail to arrest you.

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kingofkings;819547 wrote:
because i don't want my tax money to pay for hermit mental issues. the way i see it, he's your problem.

kingofkings, arent we all Somali brothers? Isnt Muqdisho's, Galkacyo's and Hargeysa's problems our common and shared problems as Somali's?

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Kingofkings Qof Somali kala qu quba halkaan looga ma baahna wada jirka dalka Somalia wa shay u bahaan in la isku hayo, marka sheekooyinkan xawalayga kala tag meesha.

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