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Resisting invaders is individual duty: Qaradawi

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Resisting invaders is individual duty: Qaradawi



One of the biggest scholars in the Worls says it is our FARD duty to protect the Ummah.


Doha: Renowned Islamic scholar Shaikh Yusuf Al-Qaradawi warned Arab leaders that they will be cursed by history and spat by their people if they sided with the US in its looming war on Iraq. He urged the Muslim Ummah around the world to stand united in the face of war.


Delivering the Friday sermon on March 7 at Omar Ibn Al-Khattab mosque in the Qatari capital Doha, Al-Qaradawi issued a fatwa that it was not permissible for Arab and Muslim countries to let the United States use their air and sea ports and territories as a launching pad for striking Iraq.


“Resisting the invaders is an individual duty on all Muslims. If the enemy invaded a Muslim country, the people of that country must resist and expel them from their territories…It is an individual duty on all Muslims of that territory, men and women,” he stressed.


“If the attacked people succeeded in forcing the enemies out, it is alright…But if they fail, it is incumbent upon their Muslim neighbour countries to defend them,” ruled the renowned scholar.


Asked what does Islam say about participation in Al-Jazeera Shield Force formed by the Gulf Cooperation Council countries and whether it is permissible for such troops to be deployed in Kuwait, Shaikh Al-Qaradawi said “it is permissible for them to defend Kuwait should it come under attack, but it is absolutely Haram (impermissible) for them to take part in any attack on Iraq.”


He further charged that any (Arab or Muslim) country that assists aggression on a Muslim country is sinful, citing a noble Hadith (saying) of the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), narrated by Abu Hurairah, that “Whoever assists in killing a believer by (even) half a word, will meet Allah (on the Day of Judgment) with ‘hopeless in Allah’s mercy’ written between his eyes.”


The prominent Muslim scholar said that the U.S. war was aimed at seizing control of Iraqi oil, annihilating the military and human power of Iraq by destroying its weapons and weakening Arab powers, which represent obstacles in the way of the Zionist state.


Commenting on Iraq’s destruction of Al-Sumood II missiles, Qaradawi said, “Whenever Iraq destroyed one of its missiles I felt as if one of my bones has been broken.”


On the hundreds of thousands of anti-war protesters who took to the streets of the worlds capitals, Shaikh Qaradawi said, “We as Arabs and Muslims were more entitled to say: ‘No to War’.”


The prominent scholar reaffirmed his respect for the American people and said he regards them as “kind” people, adding that he disagrees with the American administration which, he charged, opts for an aggressive and criminal policy against Muslim nations. Qaradawi hailed the decision taken by the Turkish parliament, which rejected the deployment of US troops on the Turkish soil, pointing out that Turkey took the “right stance” although it would incur billions of dollars in losses.


Qaradawi added that the stance of the Turkish parliament runs counter to the stance of Arab leaders who “failed Islam and their people by rallying behind the American administration and giving it free access to their territories, airports and harbours and might even have footed the war bill.”

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