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Puntland Planning and International Cooperation Minister Meets Alberta Premier. PICS

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Wasiiru dowlaha Iskaashiga caalamiga Puntland oo la kulmay Premier-ka Gobolka Alberta ee Dalka Canada

April 14, 2012 // Warar Somaali


Waxaa caawa ka dhacdey xaafada Millwoods xaflad si heer sare loosoo agaasimay oo lagu taageerayo Sohail Quadri oo ah musharaxa utaagan xisbiga muxaafidka ee gobolka Alberta, xafladaas ayaa waxaa kasoo qayb galay Wasiiru dowlaha qorsheynta iyo iskaashiga caalamiga ee dowlada Puntland Dr. Abdulkadir Abdi Hashi, Premier-ka gobolka Alberta Alison Redford iyo wasiirada ugu tunka weyn ee gobolkan. Sidoo kale waxaa xaflaadaas ka qaybgalay madaxa hay’adda SCERDO Bashir Xaaji Cali (Jamaal) iyo qaar ka mid ah jaaliyada Soomaaliyeed ee Edmonton, Alberta.


Wasiiru dowlaha qorsheynta iyo iskaashiga caalamiga ee dowlada Puntland Dr. Abdulkadir Abdi Hashi ayaa uga waramay Premier-ka Alberta Ms. Alison Redford xaalada guud ee dalka Soomaaliya gaar ahaan horumarka dawladda Puntland iyadoo sida laga war qabo shirkad ka mid ah kuwa dalka Canada ay hada ku howlantahay soo saarista shiidaalka Gobolada Puntland..



Xafladaas ayaa kusoo gabagaboodey jawi aad u sareeya







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Dr_Osman;818585 wrote:
Where is your leaders? Where is ur ministers meeting such high profile state governors of nations? Only in Puntland

osman, do you have to ask:confused::D

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