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Sheikh Shariif Chooses Somaliland Talks Delegates

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General Duke;818637 wrote:

The fact remains, these talks will be based on the 18 regions as enshrined in the constitution of Somalia. SOOL, SANAAG, CAYN, AWDAL population will have as much right as those in WAQOYE GALBEED & TOGHDHEER to self determination and decide what they want..Simple really.

Pirate Duke, don't bring here what you heard at the local magaxi and the talk of facts when seem lacking knowledge of the subject.*


There was never a region region called CAYN in the defunct and failed Somali Republic. Even Sool and Awdal were the late dictator's mid-1980s demarcations and nothing to do with "enshrined constitution". As for WAQOYE, I don't know that is. Did you hear it from the Tigre boys? :)

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Sharif said he appointed 7 people but so far we only have 5


Wasiirka Arimaha gudaha amaank Cabdismaad Macalin Maxamuuud

Wasiirka garsoorka iyo diinta Axmed xassan roobe ugaas bille

Wasiirka Arimaha dibada Cabdilahi xaaji xassan


Wasiirka Arimaha gudaha cabdilahi Axmed jamac ilkajiir

Wasiirka Xiriirka Calaamiga iyo qorshaynta dauud Maxammad cumar.


Where are the other 2

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Che -Guevara;818740 wrote:

Md. Cabdisamad Macallin Maxamuud, wasriika Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Aminiga Qaranka, DFKMG ee Soomaliya

Md. Cabdillaahi Xaaji Xasan, wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda DKMG.

Dr. Cabdinaasir Maxamed, wasiirka Maaliyada DKMG

Md. Axmed Xasan Gaboobe (Ugaasi Bile) Wasiirka Cadaaladda iyo Garsoorka DKMG.

Md. Jeylaani Nuur Iikar, Wasiirka Howlaha Guud iyo dib u dhiska DKMG

4.5 lagu soo xulay. Waa wareey. Hadduu wafdi baxaayo xataa 4.5 lagu soo xulaa miyaa.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;818741 wrote:
Thanks Ch Guevara its complete now


Shariif Axmed oo magacaabay gudiga wadatashiga DFKMG iyo Somaliland


Muqdishu Abriil 14, 2012 (WDN) — Madaxweynaha DFKMG Md. Shariif Axmed ayaa magacaabay gudiga wadatashiga Somaliland iyo DFKMG. Gudigan oo ka kooban todoba xubnood, ayaa la sheegay in uu hor kacayo dhinaca DFKMG wasiirka arrimaha gudaha iyo ammaanka Qaranka ee DFKMG. Xubnaha Gudiga ayaa kala ah:


Md. Cabdisamad Macallin Maxamuud, wasriika Arrimaha Gudaha iyo Aminiga Qaranka, DFKMG ee Soomaliya

Md. Cabdillaahi Xaaji Xasan, wasiirka Arrimaha Dibadda DKMG.

Dr. Cabdinaasir Maxamed, wasiirka Maaliyada DKMG

Md. Axmed Xasan Gaboobe (Ugaasi Bile) Wasiirka Cadaaladda iyo Garsoorka DKMG.

Md. Jeylaani Nuur Iikar, Wasiirka Howlaha Guud iyo dib u dhiska DKMG

Md. Cabdillaahi Axmed Jaamac (Ilkajiir) wasiirka Arrimha Gudaha, ee maamul goboleedka Puntland

Md. Daa’uud Max’ed Cumar, Wasiirka Qorsheynta Iyo Xiriirka Caalamiga ee maamul goboleedka Puntland.

Gudigan ayaa sida kor ku xusan, waxaa ka mid ah laba wasiir oo ka tirsan maamulka Puntland.:D

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:D I wonder why President Shariif picked Ilkajiir and Daud Maxamed Omar as committee members? Did he even consult with Abdiwali and Faroole. :D

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Trust me they are best thing that could have happen to these talks , they both from former British Somaliland and they don't share secession idea!. it's like I'm former Lander i don't want do any with the secessionists simple.

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XX you never know what expect from Bubaa xoogaa buu hadal badan yahay me thinking ,where as Ilkajjir is firm believer of Somaliweyn.

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BeerGaal i am not sure but they believe in the same ideology i also think Buubaa believes in bring even back other parts of Somali territories under Somaliweyn.


Not sure Carabkisa saa umaan eegin lol


But this is professor Siciid gees



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Beer-Gaal;818870 wrote:
Trust me they are best thing that could have happen to these talks , they both from former British Somaliland and they don't share secession idea!. it's like I'm former Lander i don't want do any with the secessionists simple.

Yes, but their people are unsatisfied with Garowe and maakhir and Khatumo rule themselves. Just like Rascaseyr. So do you think they will save the clan administatrion of Garowe?

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