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Sheikh Shariif Chooses Somaliland Talks Delegates

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Muqdisho(Pi) Shalay ayaa warbaahinta Puntlandi heshey warar rasmi ahaa oo sheegayay in Madaxweyne Shariif diyariyey gudiga la hadlaya Soomaaliland, kuwasoo shalay ahaa 5 Xubnood, hadaba Madaxweyne Shariif wuxuu maanta soo bandhigey Gudigii oo 7 Xubnood ah ayna ku jiraan labo wasiir oo Puntland ah.

Gudiga waxaa hogaaminaya Wasiirka Arimaha Gudaha Soomaaliya Cabdisamad Macalin Maxamuud, waxaa kaloo gudiga ka mid ah laba Wasiir oo Puntland ah oo kala ah Wasiirka Arrimaha Gudaha Gen.Cabdulaahi Axmed Jaamac Ilkajiir iyo Dr.Da’ud Maxamed Cumar wasiirka Qorshaynta iyo Xiririka Caalamiga ah.


Sida aan shalay Warka ku helney Xubnahaan waxay markii hore ahaayeen 5 xubnood laakiiin Markii warbaahinta Puntlandi ay ifisey qaladaadka jira ayaa Wada tashi Xalay dhacay ka dib wuxuu Madaxweyne Shariif uu kordhiyey Gudiga isagoo ka dhigey 7 Xubnood oo Puntland labo wasiir ku leedahay.

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Da’ud Maxamed Cumar VS Ina Xaabsade , is the funny of side of these talks.


may be it was not a good idea for siilaanyo to include xaabsade to his group in the first place.

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So the Both committee include 2 Khatumite folks and 2 Makhirian. And Riyaale is chairing the SL delegation. :D


War habrihii meyeen. :D

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Xaaji Xunjuf;818623 wrote:
Carafaat this one is just gogol xaadh

Rayaale will be leading the real talks in June between Somaliland and Somalia

The delegation looks great. The SNM will await their fate to be decided by the real stakeholders. Unionists are pleased so far...

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General Duke;818633 wrote:
The delegation looks great. The SNM will await their fate to be decided by the real stakeholders. Unionists are pleased so far...

Duke union come from two sides not from one side try again:D


Somalilanders have nothing to lose if they talk to this government of Sharif so far so good.

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Xaaji Xunjuf;818634 wrote:
Duke union come from two sides not from one side try again:D


Somalilanders have nothing to lose if they talk to this government of Sharif so far so good.

Secessionists have no option but to talk. For 21 years they pretended they could not, would not and look at them now?:D

The fact remains, these talks will be based on the 18 regions as enshrined in the constitution of Somalia. SOOL, SANAAG, CAYN, AWDAL population will have as much right as those in WAQOYE GALBEED & TOGHDHEER to self determination and decide what they want..Simple really.

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It took you 21 years to have a government even-though its protected by Amisom mercenaries but hellow Somaliland said it will talk to a government in Somalia and now the world wants to mediate between Somaliland and Somalia no problem we welcome it. Not sure if the talks will bring a solution and not sure if the talks will make sure Somaliland and Somalia can have relations again we have to wait and see


What Constitution i don't know what you on about why don't you bring you're so called Constitution to laascaanood:D


Yes we love clan self determination don't we duke lets support the self determination of west Puntland and those in raas caseer:D

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General Duke;818637 wrote:
Secessionists have no option but to talk. For 21 years they pretended they could not, would not and look at them now?

The fact remains, these talks will be based on the 18 regions as enshrined in the constitution of Somalia. SOOL, SANAAG, CAYN, AWDAL population will have as much right as those in WAQOYE GALBEED & TOGHDHEER to self determination and decide what they want..Simple really.

And Riyaale negoitiates on behalf of WaqoyiGalbeed and Toghdeer not for Somaliland. :D And Ilkajiir on behalf of Nugaal and Bari not on behalf of Somalia. :D


Duke, you make it more complicated and confusing then it already is with two sides talking let alone 13 clans living in Somaliland and hundred diffrent clans in Somalia all negoititating with TFG one by one. :D

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Carafat & XX, its good that your true colors have emerged. Now we can have a meaningful discussion. :D


There is only one recognized Somalia government and it was the one which spoke for all of us in London while Siilanyu sat silently at the back.

This government is putting in place the ending of the transition, after August insha Allah we will have a proper government for Somalia.


Now for the talks, no matter how grandoise or how important you make it, will be based on regions and fairness.


The regions the secessionist claim to be breaking up from Somalia are the ones on the table. Somalia will not allow its people to be subjugated by some silly idea such as the recreation of British Somaliland. :D


Thus the talks will be based on the reality on the ground. The reality is SOOL, SANAAG and AWAL dont want to break away from Somalia.

The two regions out of 18 that want to break away, will be talked to and the unique circumstances that effect them will be taken into consideration...

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